A classic Italian combination is remade into a creamy, family-pleasing spaghetti pie. This recipe was given to me several years ago. My family never grows...
I love introducing my kids to all kinds of flavors. This Asian-inspired slow-cooker beef and broccoli meal is one of their favorites, so I serve it often....
Talk about your heirloom recipes! My grandmother made this Hungarian goulash recipe for my mother when she was a child, and Mom made it for us to enjoy....
It's fun to fire up the grill on Easter, especially if you live in a cold climate! A mild marinade we created fabulously flavors lamb.-Taste of Home Test...
My husband and I think this roasted pork tenderloin tastes like a fancy restaurant dish, but it couldn't be simpler to make at home. The maple-mustard...
I use my slow cooker to prepare these well-seasoned chicken breasts that cook up moist and tender. My daughter, who has two young sons to keep up with,...
Effortless and delicious: That's exactly how we like Monday-through-Friday meals to be, and this one fits the bill perfectly. The lightly coated pasta...
My family often requests this tasty beef and broccoli stir fry. It's great because it combines tender beef and nutritious vegetables in one dish. We enjoy...
The prep work for this chili is easy thanks to several pantry staples. It's loaded with shredded chicken and beans. The spicy heat can be tamed a bit with...
Crispy, juicy and perfectly seasoned, this really is the best fried chicken recipe, ever. Summer reunions and neighborly gatherings will never be the same....
A local restaurant serves a similar cheeseburger soup but wouldn't share its recipe with me. So I developed my own, modifying a recipe for potato soup....
I collect cookbooks and recipes (this one is from my son's mother-in-law). My husband teases me that I won't live long enough to try half of the recipes...
Here's a tasty way to add seafood to your diet. It's great with chicken, too. Either way, your family will request this satisfying dish again and again!...
A co-worker shared this chicken zucchini casserole recipe that was originally her grandmother's. When I make it, I use pre-cooked chicken from the grocery...
Your family is going to gobble up this cheesy, southwestern and easy chicken enchilada casserole...and will ask for it again and again. It's real comfort...
We make lasagna with shrimp and scallops as part of the traditional Italian Feast of the Seven Fishes. Every bite delivers a tasty "jewel" from the sea....
"My mother made this tender, moist meat loaf at least every other week-and always served it with scalloped potatoes. It was one of my favorite meals growing...
"I love to try out new recipes on my family. I'm always looking for ways to incorporate some of my favorite vegetables in with my main dishes, and this...
I copied this out of a magazine years ago while traveling with my husband, who was in the army. This is also delicious served over biscuits.-Polly Hurst,...
This is hands-down the best rich and velvety mushroom pasta recipe without cream. Loads of mushrooms, garlic, shallots, and a little parmesan, tossed with...
My father made up this sweet, flavorful recipe for my mother when he took over the cooking. We serve it with whole wheat pasta or brown rice. -Ann Marie...
If you want to put something on the table that'll give you time to spare on busy nights, give this delicious angel hair pasta with chicken a try. From...
I've been making this mild family-pleasing southwest casserole recipe for years. It tastes wonderful, fits nicely into our budget and, best of all, makes...
Prime rib always makes an impression on a holiday dinner table, and it's actually easy to prepare. This roast is wonderfully flavored with a prime rib...
With its crispy pecan coating and creamy mustard sauce, this easy-to-prepare chicken can sure perk up a meal. Cayenne pepper puts a little zip into each...
This easy and impressive pasta is always on the menu when my husband and I have new friends over for dinner. Years later, they've asked me to make this...
I got this hamburger stew recipe from a woman at our church, Lois Henry, when I needed a way to use up our bounty of home-canned tomatoes. My husband loves...
These traditional pork chops have a wonderful home-cooked flavor like the ones Mom used to make. The breading makes them crispy outside and tender and...
My dad and my father-in-law are the gurus in our chili-loving clan. But after my honeymoon to New Mexico, inspired by the fresh and fragrant chile peppers...
Perfect for holidays, this beef Wellington recipe is also impressively easy. Find ready-made puff pastry sheets in the frozen food section. -Kerry Dingwall,...
There is nothing like a well-seasoned pork roast, pan-seared and baked to perfection. The moist meat gets a flavor boost from a cheesy herbal crust and...
I enjoy making this baked ziti recipe for family and friends. It's easy to prepare, and I like to get creative with the sauce. Sometimes I might add my...
I developed this recipe with a friend to make the most of a bumper crop of tomatoes. Now we like to make huge batches-we're talking 220-pounds-of- tomatoes...
When I found these pork chops and apples recipe online years ago, it quickly became a favorite. The ingredients are easy to keep on hand, and the one-pan...
A distinctive peanut sauce complements this colorful combination of tender sirloin strips, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli and mushrooms. I like to dish...
Editors' Note: We love Thomas Keller's roast chicken recipe so much that we asked him to share his favorite roast turkey recipe as well. Check out My Favorite...
Our family was poor when I was growing up in Germany, so we ate garden vegetables for many weekday meals. When Mother made meat for a Sunday dinner, it...
Even people who have had their own homemade baked macaroni and cheese recipe for years ask for mine when they taste this crumb-topped version. For the...
I'm constantly on the lookout for ways to "spice up" a standard dish. When I fixed these pork chops for the first time, my husband-who has a hearty appetite...
This simplified version of the Indian classic combines chicken, tomato sauce, and a slew of aromatic spices all in one pot to make a flavorful dinner that's...
My meat and potatoes husband goes for this cheesy, hearty black beans and rice recipe, and the kids gobble it up. For extra kick, add a splash of hot sauce....