Rosemary, mushrooms and artichokes combine to give this chicken a wonderful, savory flavor. I've served this healthy canned vegetable recipe for a large...
My family tells me these hearty stuffed beef rolls with creamy sauce "taste like home". They're attractive enough to serve for a special dinner but economical...
I love to bake and cook, especially Italian dishes like this homemade ravioli recipe. In fact, my idea of a perfect day consists of cooking my family's...
My family of five likes to eat beef, so this recipe is a favorite. I usually serve it with homemade bread or rolls to soak up the tasty gravy. -Vicki Tormaschy,...
My six grandchildren enjoy feasting on big bowls of this zesty chili. It's so creamy and tasty you can even serve it as a dip at parties. -Codie Ray, Tallulah,...
Craving the homey taste of mom's kitchen? With this recipe, your kitchen will soon fill with the aroma of great dinnertime memories, and you can enjoy...
This mouthwatering chicken burrito recipe makes enough for two casseroles, so you can enjoy one today and freeze the other for a busy weeknight. They're...
I used to make this recipe for pork chops and stuffing for our three children when they were growing up. Now they've become special at our restaurant and...
A crisp green salad and crusty French bread complete this shrimp gumbo meal. I always have hot sauce available when I serve this and have found that the...
Baking salmon in a low-temperature oven slowly melts the fat between the flesh and leaves the fillets incredibly moist and tender. Lemon and thyme, a classic...
This is the ultimate simple and fulfilling dinner that uses items I typically have in my cupboard. It's so easy to prepare and cooking all in one skillet...
Here's what you need: canola oil, boneless pork tenderloin, salt, freshly ground black pepper, canola oil, large red onion, garlic, medium apples, hard...
I learned how to make this dish from friends in Genoa, Italy, where they're known for creating tasty combinations of veggies, pasta and beans. You can...
Low and slow cooking make these oven-baked ribs fall off the bone tender. Once baked, we like to add our sweet and spicy barbecue sauce to the ribs, but...
During the Depression, Mom's tasty salmon loaf was a welcome change from the usual meat loaf everyone made to stretch a meal. I still like a lot of the...
You'll want to make stuffing more often once you try these savory, elegant chops. Just a few ingredients give them such fabulous flavor! -Taste of Home...
This ham casserole recipe always brings back fond memories of her when I prepare it. It was one of my mother's favorite recipes. It's a terrific use of...
ONE of my family's favorites, this dish is often at the heart of our special meals. All our married children live nearby, so we have family gatherings...
I often make this very moist and flavorful oven-baked salmon for company because I can have it ready in less than half an hour. This baked salmon with...
Here's a rich and comforting dish that's terrific right away or made ahead and baked the next day. Pesto makes a surprising filling for these stuffed shells...
I've been making this low-fat ham dinner for my family for years, and we always look forward to it. With asparagus, tomato, pasta and chunks of ham, it's...
Sometimes the best things come in one pot! This baked chicken and rice dish saves you the cleanup without skimping on flavor. After you quickly pan fry...
Rich, flavorful and laced with wine, this creamy chicken pasta is a family favorite. No one ever guesses it's so quick and easy! -Elaine Moser, Spokane,...
My neighbor and I discovered these delicious low-fat burritos a few years ago. On nights my husband or I have a meeting, we can have a satisfying supper...
The delicious shrimp-herb stuffing makes this fish recipe special enough for company. But it really isn't hard to make, and since our family enjoys fish,...
The signature dish at Bouchée is similar to boeuf bourguignon except it uses short ribs, which create a more elegant presentation for individual servings....
It's your favorite take-out dish, but made exactly to your liking. And just like the classic Chinese-American dish, this recipe works great as leftovers...
If you're looking to add a touch of elegance to your holiday dinner table, we suggest these Cornish game hens topped with a sweet apricot glaze. -Taste...
Instead of grilling out the usual hamburgers or chicken breasts, prepare this grilled mahi mahi and reel in raves! -Taste of Home Test Kitchen, Milwaukee,...
This spicy family favorite calls for just a few basic ingredients, so it's quick and easy to stir up in your skillet on a weeknight. -Molly Newman, Portland,...
Make the most of leftover turkey with this down-home soup. Creating a broth by roasting the turkey, garlic and vegetables adds richness and depth to the...
I've been making this thick and creamy Chicken a la King recipe for over 30 years. It's a wonderful way to create a quick lunch or dinner with leftover...
I created this noodle casserole when my husband was craving a dish his aunt used to make. It tastes and smells great and is now a staple at our house....
Here's a meal that feels homey and Sunday-special. When my sister gave me this recipe, it was for a casserole baked in the oven, but I've adapted it to...