This garlic-kissed chicken is delicious, plain or fancy. It's an elegant entree for guests-and my husband and I love its leftovers in rice casseroles and...
It's hard to believe that Susan Taul's tender pork chops and honey-mustard sauce are so low in carbohydrates. "It's a light, easy meal that doesn't involve...
This maple salmon is special because it comes from my mom, both my children like it and it's easy to prepare. I serve this recipe with rice and broccoli....
This meaty sirloin tip roast, served with a mouthwatering mushroom gravy, is a snap to assemble and pop in the oven. It is my husband's favorite. -Burgess...
In Melbourne, Florida, Betty Helton relies on a can of cranberry sauce to create the sweet sauce for this tender pork entree. She adds orange juice and...
Jambalaya is a traditional Louisiana dish, coming from our Spanish and French culture. Rice is the main ingredient, with different meats or seafood mixed...
This dish is perfect on cold winter days, especially after we have been out cutting wood or white-tail hunting. If you are lucky enough to have venison,...
I love filet mignon but not its price, so I came up with a recipe for more affordable beef tenderloin tail. Now I cook it once a week, plus my husband...
I once knew a nun who cooked the best marinated steaks. I found this recipe in my quest to fix steaks as good as hers. This delicious versatile meat makes...
Our quick and easy beef stir-fry can be whipped up in one pan using just a handful of ingredients. This takeaway classic is perfect for a family midweek...
My family raves over this nicely browned chicken. The rich honey glaze gives each luscious piece a spicy tang. This dish is simple enough to prepare for...
Broccole is a favorite vegetable in our home. This is one dish that always gets rave reviews. Serve it for a brunch or dinner.-Colleen Lewis, Cottonwood,...
For grilling, here's the rub I recommend. It's made with a wonderful blend of spices. If you have some left after making ribs, put it in a shaker and use...
This combination of pork, sauerkraut, sour cream and paprika is heavenly served on buttery egg noodles with or without poppy seeds. Here's to great comfort...
"I came up with this recipe after planting too many zucchini plants in our vegetable garden," writes Joy Turner of Amherst, Ohio. "My husband loved it...
I found this recipe in a magazine. It's an easy company dish, and I can halve it to satisfy a craving for roast chicken without more leftovers than we...
"Honey, Dijon mustard and soy sauce blend perfectly to season these golden baked chicken breasts," relates Julie Rowe of Fort McMurray, Alberta. "A beekeeper...
I enjoy both Cajun and Mexican cuisine, and this rich, elegant soup combines the best of both. I serve it with a crispy green salad and glass of white...
Add oomph to chicken kebabs with yogurt, Indian spices and chillies. This smoky, flavour-packed tandoori shawarma can be cooked on the barbecue or in the...
Sweeten up ham steaks with pineapple and brown sugar. Your family will be so impressed with this yummy dish, they will ask for it often.-Ernestine Beoughter,...
Mother used to fix this wonderful, easy dish when we had company. She was from a family of fantastic Cajun cooks, so our food was always well-seasoned....
My brother-in-law, Stanley, gave me this recipe more than 30 years ago. He was an officer in the Army, and his fellow officers considered this flavorful...
Chicken and Sunday dinner belong together. During my married life on a dairy farm, I'd make this baked bbq chicken before church. - Esther Shank, Harrisonburg,...
When I was working on the local election board in the '50s, one of my co-workers gave me this beef noodle casserole recipe, and it has been a family favorite...
I created this casserole one day while trying to find a good recipe for leftover ham. Instead of resorting to scalloped potatoes and ham, or ham and noodles,...
Served as an hors d'oeuvre or a light main dish, these stuffed mushrooms are pretty and delicious. Canned crabmeat becomes absolutely elegant. -Jennifer...
These county-style patties are so simple to prepare. You'll never again settle for store-bought versions that are loaded with preservatives and not nearly...
My family loves chicken, and I'm always trying new ways to prepare it. This golden-brown chicken with its crunchy french-fried onion coating is great with...
I've always enjoyed cabbage rolls but didn't make them since most methods were too complicated. This recipe is fairly simple and results in the best cabbage...
I enjoy a good pot roast, but I was tired of the same old thing so I started experimenting. Cooking the beef in horseradish sauce gives it a tangy flavor....
Cynthia Wise of Mineral City, Ohio, writes, "My husband and I really like this hearty main dish. It's quick and easy, and I always have the ingredients...
What makes this recipe unique is the slow overnight fermentation of the dough. The flour has time to hydrate and relax, which makes the dough so much easier...
This recipe is my favorite out of all my grilled pork chop recipes. I start preparing this entree the night before I plan to grill it.-Erica Svejda, Janesville,...
When it comes to comfort food, there are few meals as satisfying as warm, cheesy lasagna. This recipe is a lighter take on classic lasagna. It's made with...
I got this recipe from my aunt when I was a teen and have made these miniature loaves many times since. My husband and three children count this main dish...
This kicked-up pasta dish is a family favorite and my most requested recipe. It's easy to adapt, too. Swap in shrimp for the chicken, add your favorite...
I dress up hot dogs and canned pork and beans with extra seasonings to create this kid-pleasing combo. This dish is quick and easy to throw together, and...