This easy to prepare Crab Bisque recipe is from my cookbook SHARING OUR FAVORITE RECIPES. It is quick and easy & quite tasty for all you crab lovers out...
It had just begun to get chilly out after a long hot summer. A chowder was just the thing! Since we do love our seafood here by the Bay, I took a little...
I threw this soup together one evening after work. I wanted something I could take to work for my lunch without a lot of fuss. It turned out wonderful....
I saw this recipe on my Facebook wall! OH MERCY!! I'm in LOOOOVE! A soup with BLUE CHEESE as one of the MAIN ingredients, oh, be still my heart! Adapted...
I love love love broccoli-cheddar soup and potato-cheddar soup... So, I decided to experiment and blend these two concepts together and the result was...
This soup is in honor of my Grandma. This would have been her birthday month. Milk vegetable soups are made from cooked vegetables (chopped or sliced)...
This is quite possibly THE BEST and easiest potato soup I have ever found !! Full of sausage, potatos, and onion, so creamy, and a bit spicy. :) I'm sooo...
My husband and I were divorced after 10 years of marriage. He claimed that he was fond of making soup, so I gave him a soup cookbook one Christmas. He...
This is something that my mom used to make with the scrapes of leftover ham. Now I make it and will use the ham that I honey glaze myself (I'm to cheap...
I have never made this kind of soup before, but hubby had a hanker'n for it so I went on a search for the perfect recipe. I found a couple that looked...
This is my personal twist on some easy tomato soup recipes I've seen on line. This one is super spicy and savory w/ the addition of hot Rotel (w/ habaneros)...
This is particularly great for the cooler fall months. It's a lightened up version of similar recipes, and it reduces calories from over 430 to about 275...
My Mother-in-law gave this recipe to me years ago. She got it from the Baby Doe's Restaurant in Dallas, TX. I've made it several times and it's a really...
This soup is absolutely the best Broccoli soup I ever ate. A wonderful cheesy flavor...I have also made this soup with Ham. It is wonderful without also.....
Easy, Healthy and Hearty! Delicious on a winter day! This recipe is very forgiving so season to taste. You can eat it plain but we usually add a splash...
I hosted a party for Philadelphia Cooking Cremes and it came with recipes. My daughter loves all soup so I decided to give this one a try....
Sue's way to use leftover turkey is delicious! The soup is creamy with robust flavor and a little kick of spice from the cayenne. Simple to prepare, your...
I am such a sucker for any kind of dish with cheese, cheese, and lots of it! This soup seems perfect on a chilly afternoon after work. Recipe and photo:...
One of my favorite places to eat has a 'to die for' tomato soup. This recipe was given to me by a friend who created her own version and it comes darn...
I love the funk of a good veined cheese, and no cheese in that family exudes funk like Stilton, that English funk-O-rific treat. With this dish, the funk-factor...
This is one great chowder recipe. It's super creamy and guaranteed to warm you up on a cold night. All the wonderful flavors of the fish shine through,...
My Relay for Life team has an annual Soup Tasting Contest.This soup is always a winner. Didn't make it this year. Had someone disappointed saying it was...
I took this recipe from and have personally made it several times. My family and friends love it, especially in the winter months. (The...
This is a recipe that I have used for many years and my family and friends request this for gatherings. Good creamy chowder - I prefer the soup thin vs...
I love mushrooms, and have tried many mushroom soup recipes. However, I always go back to this one, which I have made for many years. Simple, but very...