The Smith and Kearns tastes like a boozy chocolate egg cream which makes it perfect for a dessert or late night cocktail. You can use Kahlua, more coffee...
This is like drinking Pumpkin Pie in a martini glass but with a nice boozy kick. This cocktail has all your favorite Fall flavors. It's time to sit and...
Traditionalists will scoff, but this unusual riff on the classic margarita has plenty of bite and a touch of sweetness, making it a perfect accompaniment...
Margaritas are quite popular in Texas, and there are abundant versions served throughout the state. Some use blends of citrus fruits and other ingredients...
dandelion is used for a Gentle diuretic. Choleretic. Mild laxative. Digestive. Hepatic tonic. Cholagogue. Anti rheumatic. This is the simplest recipe for...
Allen Katz, founder of the New York Distilling Company in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, spent years worrying over his first rye whiskey, tasting and testing...
Cara Cara oranges resemble grapefruits more so than oranges on the inside. It's pink and delicious and a little bit sweeter than a plain old orange and...
This is the version of the classic Martinez cocktail - the possible progenitor of the martini - that Frank Caiafa serves in the plush surroundings of the...
For a fun twist on your cocktails, make this delicious vanilla bean and orange infused bourbon. Not only is it easy to make but it also makes your cocktails...
Walk by any sidewalk bar or tabac in France, and the chalkboard menu is bound to include Picon Bière: a combination of Amer Picon - a sweetened, lightly...
Much research has caused me to determine that most Americans have been led down the 'preverbal' path in the ingredients of a great margarita. We have grown...
This is a great lite cocktail I came up with and when I tasted it, it tasted just like those expensive vitamin waters. So if You dont care for strong tasting...
I first had aquavit on Xmas Eve in Norway with my distant cousins! Served in my family as shots! Anytime someone yelled "skoll", you had to "shoot" the...
These tropical flavors with a kick will instantly transport you to a tropical paradise. Guaranteed... (Cook time is only when you have to make the syrup....
To make this signature cocktail, stir Fernet Branca® and Galliano Ristretto® with lemon juice and simple syrup. Garnish with a little fresh mint. This...
This light-bodied, low-in-alcohol, aperitif-style cocktail from Natasha David shows off the benefits of its collection of disparate ingredients. The Lillet...
Put that limoncello back in the liquor cabinet and get ready for a flavor surprise with our very own delicious Homemade Orangecello. Your craft cocktails...
Here's a festive Martini that is yummy, and year round good, but for Halloween fun serve it in
This is a drink that my girlfriends and I came up with one summer for a pool party. A pretty, refreshing drink, that I hope you will enjoy. I should tell...
With my husband Robert's unique Vodka Martini recipe, you can surprise and wow your friends and family at your next gathering. He's become known far and...
Author: (From "Fresh Tastes" By Lee Clayton Roper)
I took my wife Jeannie to Poipu Beach, Kauai in 1985, a honeymoon 25 years late. Poipu is on the SE corner of Kauai. While raining everywhere else, Poipu...
This slushy cocktail is best made when strawberries are in season and at their ripest. With just four ingredients you can whip up this thirst quencher...
Singing with spicy ginger and caramel notes, the Dark and Stormy Rum Moscow Mule is a refreshing drink. This twist on a classic cocktail is made with simple...