Fried chicken is deeply satisfying when eaten hot, but the beauty of this recipe is that it is equally delicious, and keeps most of its crunch, when served...
Dinner can be on the table in less than half an hour with this quick, easy, and delicious recipe. Great for a busy weeknight dinner. Serve with a side...
Developing this recipe -- a riff on the French bistro classic -- taught us a thing or two about how the slow, steady, moist heat of the slow cooker really...
Find a great prepared pesto and you can have dinner in no time! In this easy grilled dinner, the pesto works as both a simple marinade for the chicken...
Thin, breaded chicken breasts topped with a flavorful lime-butter sauce. Pounding the breasts doesn't take long and the resulting tender chicken is worth...
The term 'à la Florentine', refers to a recipe that is prepared in the style of the Italian region of Florence. Florentine recipes will typically feature...
Comfort your tummy with this dreamy bake of chicken, cream of mushroom soup, cream of chicken soup, sour cream and tender egg noodles. Cracker crumbs sauteed...
A succulent chicken dish that has a thick rich tangy sauce perfect for dipping crusty bread! I like to serve this over plain noodles, sometimes topping...
For this recipe I strongly suggest to use fresh not frozen thawed wings as frozen will hold in too much water --- you may use 2 tablespoons minced fresh...
Following the keto diet, this casserole is cheesy, creamy, and easy to prepare. Any cheese can be used and any cut of chicken. I prefer chicken thighs...
Combining a few chicken recipes from, and a bit of my own ingenuity, I tried this recipe tonight and liked it a lot. Hope someone enjoys...
An inexpensive alternative to the more pricey veal. The longer it cooks the richer the sauce gets. I've never cooked it in the crock pot but I suppose...
This is SOOOO good! You can double the complete recipe and bake in a roaster pan, throw in a chopped green bell pepper and/or a jalapeno pepper also if...
This recipe was on the back of a bottle of Heinz 57 Sauce years ago and I lost the recipe. It recently popped back up in an Ore Ida ad for their grillers....
This recipe comes from PERFECT blend of all ingredients that should be commonly found in all kitchens! The butter and brown sugar in this recipe...
Tender, tasty chicken breasts baked with butter, salt, pepper, and oniony seasoning. All ages like these - my 3 year old loves them! This can be served...
This dish is my mother's interpretation of a meal we had at a friend's birthday party when we were young. We came home raving about it and had to try making...
Thinly sliced chicken breast strips sauteed in lemon-pepper, lemon juice, olive oil, and minced garlic then tossed with bow-tie pasta and green onions....
This is a very tasty family favourite that I've slightly modified from the original which came from a great cookbook called Thai Cooking and More. NOTE...
A nice break from typical hamburgers and much healthier for you. These chicken burgers are flavorful, fairly simple to make, and quite delicious. I serve...
Coming soon to a kitchen near you: an escapist fantasy set under the sun, starring spicy-fruity glazed chicken. (Spoiler alert: Your opinion of pineapple...
I found this recipe in Quick Cooking a few years ago and it has become a staple in our household. It is a very tasty dish that is so easy to make, yet...
This is a nice dish when you're in a hurry. It jazzes up bottled spaghetti sauce nicely for those nights you don't have time make sauce from scratch. Serve...
Flavorful shredded chicken makes the perfect stuffing for enchiladas, tacos, burritos, or whatever you like! Zesty ingredients like green chiles, lime,...
We love lemon, artichokes, and olives, so this dish just makes sense to us. We almost always leave the skin on our chicken thighs so we can render out...
Aunt Mary's was a popular brunch restaurant in San Francisco that served Mexican and Salvadoran dishes. My wife and I went every Sunday for a late breakfast....