Delicious chicken breasts wrapped in bacon and smothered with BBQ sauce and Cheddar cheese. It's baked to perfection without any fuss, and you only need...
Adapted another recipe to create this. Made it several times and it's always a hit! The Parmesan-ranch flavor is amazing whether you marinate the chicken...
Sliced French bread soaks up roast chicken juices to make delicious skillet stuffing. Perfect for chilly winter evenings. Since it only uses one pan, cleanup...
This is a great recipe for fried chicken to use in orange or lemon chicken. It's not super greasy and it tastes great even cold. Thanks Pops! Great with...
Being a big fan of restaurant-style mango-habanero wings, I set out to create something similar. I found multiple recipes online, but none seemed up to...
I like this recipe because it uses already prepared ingredients found in your produce department with the packaged salad greens. Great egg rolls without...
Love this recipe!!! This is a combination of recipes that Dh and I came up with. It's my filling recipe and his sauce recipe. This looks like a lot of...
This easy, slow-cooked chili is not your average "bowl of red." With chicken, sweet potatoes, tomatillo salsa, and pinto beans, it's more of a cross between...
This recipe originated with my son, who makes it with very spicy chicken sausages. I loved it so much that I adapted it to suit our taste. Because my husband...
I'm going to be using this a *lot this fall and winter. Two and a half hours in the old crock pot followed by a 10-minute broil gives me perfectly roast...
This one-bowl Asian meal is spicy, salty, sour, and sweet-all at once. The secret's in the sauce, made from fragrant kitchen standbys. The salad has terrific...
If I am not in a rush I season the chicken first with salt and pepper then brown in oil, and transfer to the baking dish, the oven-baking time will be...
This is from a local restaurant called La Costa. It is a very creamy, flavourful pasta dish that is simple to make and a delight to serve. Guests will...
This is an old, personal favorite recipe of mine. While not totally authentic, it celebrates the fabulous flavors of Cajun cuisine. Serve this thick sauce...
This is my fiance's favorite slow cooker meal of mine. I usually serve it with the veggies over wild rice. You can turn this recipe for 2 into 4 by splitting...
Adapted from a recipe found on the internet and made in my vintage sunbeam fryer/cooker. This is awesome! For the chicken pieces, make sure that they are...
This is the best chicken slow cooker recipe ever, and I've tried a lot of them. I can't remember where I originally got it from; my version has been tweaked...
I found this recipe in a cookbook from work. I decided to try it and found that it was a BIG HIT with my 3 fussy children and even my husband devoured...
When you don't have time (or don't feel well enough) to make your soup totally from scratch, this is a very easy, very good substitute. I know that traditional...
A real Kiev recipe, with seasoned butter rolled up in breaded chicken breasts for a richness fit for royalty! This recipe takes a bit of time, but is well...
This recipe will rival any fine Italian restaurants entree. It is an impressive FOOL PROOF dinner to serve family or your guess. I used to "wing it" and...
I found this recipe on another web site and made it for Sunday night dinner - the family loved it. I wanted to get it posted before I lost the recipe....
Chicken breasts are dipped in beaten eggs and cracker crumbs, then baked with butter. These chicken breast are really tender and moist. Excellent flavor!...