Garbanzo beans, cubes of seared chicken breast, carrots, and potatoes simmer until tender in a blend of spices and tomato. Serve by itself in a bowl or...
Tired of everything being spicy and looking for a quick, nice dinner with a subtle flavor? Try this! Chicken breasts are laid on a bed of broccoli, and...
I learned to make this when I was vacationing in Bermuda after high school. It has been 18 years, and this is still one of our favorite dishes ever! My...
I searched high and low for a great recipe for slow cooker fajitas before I came up with this. The best part for me is that I don't have to defrost the...
Chicken Florentine casserole, which can also be adapted with either fish or shrimp, lies on a bed of spinach leaves and mushrooms, has a creamy white sauce...
Seasoned, browned chicken breasts slow cooked with lemon juice, garlic, and chicken bouillon. A wonderful 'fix and forget' recipe that is easy and pleases...
If you love rice, cream of chicken soup, and biscuits, this is the meal for you. I remember when I was younger and my mother had made something similar...
While not identical to a pan-fried, breaded cutlet, if you want to eat tender, flavorful chicken with lots of crispy, crunchy bits, then this significantly...
Boneless chicken breasts stuffed with cream cheese and chives. I serve it with homemade rice pilaf and steamed broccoli. The cheese sauce is also delicious...
This is a wonderful slightly spicy version of the classic Chicken Kiev. The kick of green chilies will make your family want more! You have to use sliced...
A wonderful saffron chicken kebab recipe. Great when paired with slices of onions, peppers, mushrooms, and whole cherry tomatoes alternating with chicken...
This is a wonderful recipe. This was given to our family years ago by a good friend through the Boy Scouts. My brother would eat it all if he was allowed...
These coconut-mango chicken meal prep bowls with basmati rice, corn salsa, and an easy mango marinade are a delicious way to prep your lunches for the...
These coconut-mango chicken meal prep bowls with basmati rice, corn salsa, and an easy mango marinade are a delicious way to prep your lunches for the...
My dad has made a side dish sort of like this for many years, but I've recently put my twist on this one. My husband adds ketchup or barbeque sauce on...
Everybody loves this simple and delicious chicken. If you don't have white Zinfandel available, you can use another wine, whiskey, bourbon, or even balsamic...
Chicken breasts bathed in a delicate mustard tarragon sauce. A quick and simple recipe that you can serve on a weeknight but tastes like a French chef...
Chicken breasts dipped in an apricot/mustard sauce, then rolled in chopped cashew nuts for a wonderfully tangy, crunchy and easy baked chicken dish. This...