I received this recipe in an email from Food Now. I love cheese cake and this sounds like it would be just rich enough to satisfy any sweet tooth. *Cooking...
I found this recipe online and it looks like a tasty way to use up those candy canes! Update 12/18/06 - I made this to serve at a cookie exchange and made...
I just love this cheesecake! When I'm in the mood for dessert, it really hits the spot! It's so quick and easy to prepare, and low in carbs. (The rest...
A deep fried cheesecake. Crunchy on the outside and melted sweetness inside. The key to this recipe is getting the tempura to be crispy enough. I have...
We all love cake, but there is only one kind of cake whose heavy creamy texture relentlessly visits me in my dreams night after hungry night until I finally...
got this from a family circle cookbook. its a really easy recipe - the best thing about it is the crust. friends always ask for the recipe. needs to be...
This is very yummy, great dessert for entertaining and during the holidays. From Cooks for a Cause. I have made this many times its wonderful! Should be...
This recipe has been in my collection for quite some time and i must admit to not actually making it yet.Just waiting for the right occasion! I got it...
I found this recipe at cooks.com - I had an instant cheesecake in the cupboard that I needed to use, and sent my son to the store for the Twinkies. He...
Got this out of an old WW cookbook and adapted it to make it core. You can make it as fattening or as slimming as you like, but please remember it is uber-low...
A nice light creamy coffee flavoured cheesecake. A change from the usual chocolate or lemon. I usually use Arnotts 'Nice' biscuits. Cook time does not...
I've been making this for years without a recipe, so when dale! asked me for the recipe, I had to stop and think. I also use the same mix (less lemon juice)...
This is my familys favourite cheesescake and one I make for most gatherings of the clan!! It freezes well if you want to prepare ahead. Just line the pan...
This was my mother-in-law's recipe. This cheese cake is eextremely rich but light in texture. Keeping it from sinking in the middle after cooking is tricky...
lighter texture and calories than regular cream cheese cheesecake. i also used fage full fat yogurt instead of sour cream but it won't recognize that ingredient....
More like a cheese cake pudding than a cake, but very delicious. I tried this while on the Atkins diet. It is amazing and Low-Carb, but very high fat....
Perfect for St. Patrick's Day, this interesting twist on a cheescake is sure to be a hit! It takes a little bit of work, but all the best in life do! Prep...
This is especially good for diabetics. Any flavor of sugar-free jello can be used to make this low-fat, low-sugar cheesecake dessert. 4 hr cook time is...
This is going to be part of my Valentine's day collection. I found this on the Kraft website, and it has the cutest and most simple little heart right...
This is a recipe I made up on the fly. I had made a full size German Chocolate Cheesecake and it was very good. People said it was awesome, but you couldn't...
This is my favorite cheesecake! Plain creamy, creamy, creamy, Oh! Did I say creamy! Found in it Desserts Cooking class cookbook. Tweaked a tiny bit! Best...
A luscious, delicious cheesecake that will have your guests in awe. Build it up high and make it center stage! It is easy to make and great tasting. I...
Dressed up on your Thanksgiving China, or served as bars for a backyard fall barbecue, this rich new twist on pumpkin treats will turn you autumn harvest...
For best flavor this cheesecake and any cheesecake is best prepared a day ahead, to save time chop caramels hours or days in advance and keep in a ziploc...