A traditional moist fruit cake made with rum soaked dried fruit, citrus zest, and candied ginger. The best fruit cake recipe you'll ever make! It turns...
This delicious Red Velvet Cake is super moist and has just the right amount of chocolate flavor. I love red velvet year-round, but especially for Christmas...
Nobody would ever believe that this amazing Carrot Cake recipe starts with a box of spice cake mix! The added carrots, coconut, pecans, and crushed pineapple...
This moist Strawberry Pound Cake is heavenly! We love the strawberry flavor- it's the perfect cake recipe for spring and summer, or for the strawberry...
I love the slight tang that the sour cream offers the cupcakes and how incredibly moist they are. These Vanilla Bean Sour Cream Cupcakes will definitely...
This moist Peanut Butter Chocolate Marble Cake is SO delicious! We've frosted it with a luscious Peanut Butter Whipped Cream. This recipe all starts...
This moist and delicious Marble Cake recipe is always a crowd pleaser! Frost with your favorite chocolate frosting (we love it with our Classic Chocolate...
This heavenly chocolate cake has a velvety soft, creamy texture from the cream cheese in the batter! It is fluffy and moist with a fine crumb and just...
These tender gluten-free Mini Apple Bundt Cakes are lightly flavoured with cinnamon and a hint of nutmeg. Topped with Cream Cheese Cinnamon Glaze, these...
In this delicious scratch recipe, pineapple cake layers are filled with pineapple and cream filling and frosted in whipped cream cheese frosting. It is...
The coffee lovers in your life with LOVE this moist, flavorful espresso cake! Tender espresso cake layers are filled with espresso whipped cream and frosted...
This light and lemony scratch lemon cake is so moist and flavorful! I love it year-round, but especially in the spring and summer months! This has been...
This vibrant pea and pistachio cake is frosted with tangy cream cheese frosting and topped with buttercream roses for a beautiful, naturally green spring...
London Fog Cake from Tessa Huff's Layered cookbook. A moist, decadent chocolate layer cake filled with a earl grey Swiss Meringue buttercream and topped...
This elegant and easy almond pear cake gets its amazing flavor from almond flour and almond extract. Studded with chopped Bosc pear and infused with cinnamon,...
Fluffy, easy, and with the classic red velvet flavor you love, this red velvet cupcakes recipe is a keeper! Ready for the oven in just a few minutes, this...