We're used to seeing cakes and confections cheerfully decorated to resemble Easter eggs, but rarely do we see ones that take the mimicry so literally....
Grated zucchini gives this crowd-pleasing cake a moist texture and subtle sweetness. Almond flour adds nutty flavor and makes it perfect for those on a...
This spiced pumpkin cake is enhanced by layers of a delectably rich frosting that features cream cheese and goat cheese. Quince, available in the fall,...
Pomegranate jelly and seeds provide a sweet ruby-red glaze for these easy, no-bake cheesecake treats that set in the freezer. The recipe makes six perfect...
One of the most popular desserts in New York City has a brownie-like crust and a warm, creamy "pudding-like center." The only thing that makes this cake...
Classic Yellow Cake Batter is used to make the vanilla and chocolate layers of these impressive-looking cakes. The layers are swirled together to give...
White cake is layered with a fruit and nut filling and slathered with fluffy frosting in this traditional Southern dessert. Martha made this recipe on...
Cream cheese makes this cake wonderfully moist, while ground pistachios lend a distinct nutty flavor. Drizzled with icing and sprinkled with pistachio...
This classic recipe starts with four pints of fresh strawberries, which macerate in sugar and lemon juice until they release their sweet juices. The filling...
A showstopping holiday dessert that's a piece of cake? Meet this four-layer chocolate confection, which comes together from a one-bowl batter and three-ingredient...
Potato in a cake that isn't a latke? You bet! Mashed potato gives this dessert body and a super moist texture. Martha made this on episode 704 of Martha...
Olive oil has a subtle fruitiness that works surprisingly well in desserts, especially in our Lemon-Fig Cake. You can substitute vegetable oil in this...
Martha's friend Jane Heller serves her dirt cake creatively: She presents the cake in a sterilized terra-cotta pot, then inserts sunflowers (wrap stems...
The secret to delicious spice cake is a well-balanced blend of flavors such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice. This recipe, brought to us by Martha's mother,...
This burnished beauty gets its flavor from fresh lemon zest, and its stature from not-too-sweet meringue. (More than half of the sugar gets boiled into...
Martha's version of a classic pineapple upside-down cake uses dried tart cherries for maraschinos, and features a layer of thinly sliced fresh pineapple....
When you give carrot cake a hummingbird-inspired spin, it really takes a slice to new heights. To capture the essence of a classic Hummingbird Cake, we...
Mini but mighty, these rich, Middle Eastern-inspired rings are made with half flour, half ground pistachios (for a vivid-green color, seek out the blanched...
Swiss meringue buttercream takes on a nutty, toasted flavor with the addition of coconut oil. Use this coconut buttercream to frost our showstopping Meyer-Lemon...
Billy Reece of Billy's Bakery, a popular New York City bakery, shared this tempting recipe that works well on a number of baked goods, with Martha-go ahead...
With less food coloring than traditional recipes call for, this red velvet looks more like an elegant mauve velvet; the balance of cocoa powder, butter,...
To make this Northeastern interpretation of an old-fashioned upside-down cake, cranberries and toasted pecans are topped with buttery batter, and then...
The marshmallow-topped mash that typically appears on the dinner table practically tastes like dessert, so why not go all the way? In this single-layer...
The incredibly tasty Apple Dump Cake is a super easy dessert, despite the not-so-great name! Apple pie filling, cake mix, and butter are layered in a 9...