This easy recipe for Tex-Mex cheese enchiladas is a family favorite! Just lightly fry corn tortillas, roll them up with Jack or cheddar cheese, cover with...
Baked spaghetti casserole is like lasagna's easier cousin! Layer spaghetti with a sausage and mushroom tomato sauce. Top with ricotta, Parmesan, and...
This is a comfort food casserole that is an alternative to macaroni and cheese. While it's in the oven baking, make a green salad and set the table. Add...
An easy version of a south-of-the-border classic, chilaquiles, this dish uses leftover tortilla chips layered with chicken, Pace Picante, corn, olives,...
A cassoulet is a French dish of beans, sausages, and meat that's covered and slowly cooked. Our Test Kitchens version is covered with a cornbread crust....
Our family is in love with this cheesy, creamy, and hearty casserole! Traditional bolognese is made with a meat-based sauce, but my version uses lentils...
Think of these zucchini roll-ups like lasagna, but without the pasta! Precooking the zucchini softens it enough to roll it up with some cheese and herbs....
Tater Tots plus eggs plus sausage equals a one-skillet breakfast casserole you can eat all week long. Call it a hot dish or call it a Tater Tot casserole,...
This savory bread pudding is ultra-cheesy and flavorful, a must-have on your table if you love a good strata. Crispy, browned bread on top and soft, moist...
This Lasagna Recipe from my mother is a hearty casserole that is a classic dinner everyone will love! Ground beef and pork are layered with cheese and...
The Southern favorite, biscuits and gravy, gets the casserole treatment! Assemble the gravy ahead of time; make this for a hungry brunching crowd, and...
Funeral potatoes...wait, what? What kind of name is that for something to eat?! This cheesy potato casserole originated as a side dish, commonly served...
On busy weeknights, this Doritos Casserole with Chicken recipe will be ready and waiting in right around 30 minutes. Any Doritos fan will love the taste...