I compiled a recipe book from recipes that I collected from my "sisters" in the Roseburg Oregon United Pentecostal Church in 1995. Here is one of those...
Here's my recipe for potato salad, great for summer when vegetables are fresh!!! This potato salad is awesome for potlucks and picnics and is a family...
What a Hawaiian Night? Then try these burgers with Pineapple, Red Onions, Teriyaki Sauce and topped with miracle whip or mayonnaise and lettuce and Swiss...
Since my doctor put me on a no-beef diet, I have been eating more poultry. I found this recipe and LOVE it! These burgers really are perfect and wonderfully...
These burgers use veal for tender, non-greasy burgers that taste like they're from a bistro! You will be amazed at how easy and tasty they are; perfect...
Looking for an amazing vegan black bean burger recipe? This is it! These Chipotle Black Bean Burgers are super easy to make, packed with healthy ingredients,...