My husband and I were vacationing recently and had this lovely French toast at a bed and breakfast. When we came back home, I kept missing it so I called...
Sour cream makes these eggs rich and creamy and the basil adds a little kick of flavor. Sometimes I use pepperjack cheese and a little garlic and onion...
Easy, authentic Mexican recipe that my mom taught me. It's a casserole of tortilla chips mixed with eggs and salsa, and topped with cheese. Serve with...
The sweetness of the bananas in this smoothie means you don't need to add any sugar to sweeten the cocoa. This is my go-to for a midday energy boost and...
Hatch green chile from New Mexico may be the most addictive substance on Earth. At the famed Chicago Dog in Santa Fe, New Mexico, they will line up in...
These are sweeter than traditional Brussels Belgian waffles - a sweeter waffle that can be served for breakfast or dessert. Serve waffles warm or cooled...
Quick, easy, delicious pumpkin pancakes from scratch. Developed for my pumpkin-loving grandson who will eat almost anything containing pumpkin. Serve warm...
This is a no-fuss, easy recipe. The sauce is simply put together in a blender - no double boiling necessary. Assemble eggs with sauce over hot buttered...
We had this dish when we stayed at our favorite bed and breakfast. This cream cheese-stuffed French toast casserole is great for feeding a crowd. All you...
This recipe is a generational French family tradition for Easter morning. I have searched the entire internet and I've never heard of anyone having it...
Great for when there are picky eaters in the crowd. Can make as many as needed or just one if you like. Got this from an internet friend. Good served with...
Delicious and exotic twist on the common and bland banana bread. So good you will never bake another run-of-the-mill banana bread! Serve and watch the...
I came up with this recipe when my doctor told me I needed to eat more fiber, and I was sick of eating store-bought protein bars for breakfast in the car...
Yet another way to utilize your sourdough starter. Try topping these yummy pancakes with fresh fruit and whipped cream. I hope you like them! The amount...
This omelet is filled with a mixture of cherry tomatoes, spinach, bell pepper, and asparagus. Feta cheese gives it that distinctive Greek flavor that pairs...
Umm Umm Ummm! This recipe was given to me by a friend and I just love it. Crepes with chocolate, strawberries and a whipped topping -- what more can I...
This is a rich, sweet, and savory breakfast or brunch dish. The sweetness of the peaches complements the creamy textures of cream cheese and eggs. Using...
This delicious and easy breakfast casserole is a great way to use leftover cooked ham, but you can also substitute cooked bacon to change it up. You can...
Quiche works very well. Add seasonings of your family's choice for more variety. Use ham, bacon, or whatever protein. This quiche needs flavor boosters,...
Baked French toast with apples and caramel sauce. The consistency of the finished recipe will be similar to bread pudding! A glass baking pan will help...
This creamy oatmeal is perfect for those cozy winter mornings with a good cup of coffee. Or serve it to your kids with some hot chocolate. Not too sweet,...
This casserole with hash browns is my favorite breakfast recipe. I have used it for Christmas breakfast and have even brought it into work for a special...
This is THE BEST granola out there. Walnuts, pecans, coconut, sesame seeds and honey are just a few of the delectable ingredients that make this the most...
Easy, satisfying, and full of whole grain goodness! Top as desired- I like mine with peanut butter and sugar-free syrup. Also, any chopped fruit, nuts,...
This has to be one of the best pancakes I have ever had. They smell wonderful and taste like banana nut bread! When you make these on a Sunday morning,...
I loved this pancake recipe. Way better than a mix at the store but I wanted to cut a little of the fat. I make them with less butter, egg whites instead...
Fresh out of the skillet, these buckwheat pancakes go great with homemade sausage. This is a forgiving recipe, and each kitchen and cook seems to add a...
If you're at movie night with your family, or just hungry for a sweet and salty snack, you will always be wanting to make 2 times the recipe! If you don't...
Sweet and delicious buttermilk pancakes with a butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon swirl filling. These are great any time of the day and less time consuming...
I am fortunate to have four blueberry bushes in my back yard, and they supply me with fresh blueberries all summer long. This is one of the recipes that...
This is a delicious sweet bread with a swirl of orange and vanilla-flavored cheese. It is easy to make and too easy to eat. We will enjoy it this Easter...
This is a wonderful breakfast casserole that will feed many. We have it every year for Christmas brunch. The family will not allow me to make anything...
This is my favorite pancake recipe that I make for my family and friends. They are soft, fluffy, and very easy to make. The chocolate chips can be substituted...
A savory pudding made with sliced white bread, eggs, Cheddar and Parmesan cheeses, and anything else you may want to chuck in!! This is a very nice light...
After much experimentation I finally got this smoothie recipe right. Frozen berries, strawberry yogurt and a whole banana are pureed in blender for a delicious,...