These healthy morning glory muffins are surprisingly moist, even though they're low in fat, thanks to nutritious, flavorful add-ins like banana, carrots,...
This Thanksgiving-inspired quick bread recipe comes from Jane Kraemer of Manchester, Connecticut. The mixture of tart cranberry and salty nuts will have...
German stollen is dense bread that is traditionally oblong, like a swaddled baby. In this version, from Martha's mother, the dough is braided, letting...
Juicy blueberries hide between layers of custardy French toast in this delicious make-ahead brunch dish. It's the perfect crowd-pleasing recipe you've...
One simple recipe is all you need to bake four types of bread, each one hearty, wholesome, and delicious. This fluffy multigrain bread recipe is a great,...
A fantastic one-dish meal, our egg casserole with spinach and potatoes is naturally gluten-free and vegetarian, making it perfect for a gathering with...
This savory breakfast pudding looks a little like a pizza when it comes out of the oven. It can be prepared the night before through step 2 and baked the...
To determine whether or not the jelly is done cooking, use a candy thermometer and the "sheeting method," described below. Don't use overripe fruit for...
Smaller and thinner than their American counterparts, Swedish pancakes are quite tender and comparable in texture to French crepes. If you don't have a...
Where there's smoke, there's flavor. Smoking fish at home may sound intimidating, but it's no more complicated than grilling. Just add aromatic wood to...
Layer these earthy pancakes with sausage patties and fried eggs for a hearty, crowd-pleasing breakfast. Or go lighter and top with yogurt and fresh fruit....
This foolproof dough recipe can be used to make a delicious homemade pizza on the grill or in the oven. Try the following topping variations: Grilled Asparagus...
Despite its name, the boiled egg shouldn't be boiled throughout the cooking process-a method that yields a rubbery result-but rather brought to a boil...
Fry bread is a Native American quick bread that can be served sweet or savory. Try it drizzled with honey and served alongside stew or braised beef. It's...
Combine breakfast favorites oatmeal and pancakes for the perfect start to your day. Rolled oats give these pancakes a hearty, nutty flavor. Serve your...
For the ultimate whole-wheat sandwich bread, this loaf relies on 100 percent whole-grain flour and equal amounts of honey and butter to keep it soft. This...
An outstanding quiche relies on a few simple elements: a creamy egg custard, buttery homemade crust, and flavorful cheese and vegetables. This family-friendly...