No matter what recipe they're used in, rice noodles are a proven crowd-pleaser. I think this spicy chicken noodles dish is perfect for using up leftover...
This blackened shrimp salad bowl is big and bold in flavor and makes for a low-calorie meal packed with shrimp, brown rice, corn, crisp bell pepper, black...
This delicious vegan dish is perfect for when you don't have much time. For this dish, we've used a mix of carrots, onions, parsnips and Brussels sprouts...
This sizzling steak burrito bowl is not your average burrito bowl! Marinated grilled steak, savory Spanish rice, zesty beans and corn, smoky ranch, plus...
This copycat Chipotle® cauliflower bowl comes together fast on busy weeknights! Toppings can be modified for taste preferences, and it's tasty wrapped...
This one-pot meal is warm and comforting with nice texture and contrast between the firm wild rice and the softer brown rice. It's savory, yet expect a...
I make farro bowls all the time since reading an article about how good farro is for our bodies. Plus, after having kids, I had a few extra pounds to loose....
This vegan recipe was invented on a day that I wanted to use up the arame seaweed and tahini. My adventurous combination turned out completely delicious....
A very tasty copycat bowl from a popular Caribbean chain restaurant that includes shrimp, rice, snow peas, and edamame, flavored with lemongrass, lime,...
Wanted to try something healthy and much to my surprise my entire family loved this. You can top it with sour cream and Cheddar cheese. You may add any...
Mmmm...this vegan recipe is so delicious and guilt-free! Even if you're not vegan, I whole-heartedly believe in giving your body a break from eating meat...
This simple, nourishing and healthy 'glow bowl' is one that we all need to have in our recipe box. Its' been my weekday go-to because it's quick, tasty...
Spice up weeknight dinner with this flavorful dish made with tofu and bell peppers cooked in orange liquor and served with riced cauliflower. This recipe...
This recipe is life changing. Halal bowl, subbing the rice... wait for it... with crispy oven-baked fries! I used curly fries. For those of you who are...
Lean ground turkey, tri-color quinoa, veggies and a spicy Asian sauce. This recipe is perfect for a weeknight dinner or meal prep. Ingredient Notes and...