I know there's a thousand cranberry chutney recipe's out there, but this one is truly the best! Best if made a day in advance to really let the flavors...
A great loaf to make, I have made this recipe alot, and have used raisins, raspberries ( it's really good with the raspberries) and it sure make's your...
The freezer jams are so good as they taste like the fresh fruit because they have never been cooked. This is a yummy jam and needs to be tried. To get...
This is so quick and easy but the flavors are outstanding. You can put this salad together in a snap...the combination of the greens, fresh strawberries,...
I got this delicious recipe from a co-worker after she brought it to a potluck. It was definitely one of the hits of the day! Originally from Southern...
I had picked a small bowl full of blackberries and wanted to make jam with them. This only makes 1 pint and uses 3 cups of berries. Remember jam is softer...
We have so many blackberries right now, and I love making jam, but without all the added sugar. You can't use regular pectin when cooking with Splenda,...
I made this recipe up when making jam this July, and am posting it because it turned out so delicious! Total crushed berries should equal 4 cups. Cook...
This is a very refreshing recipe I have used for years. It comes from the bag of Ocean Spray Cranberries bought in the grocery store. This time of year...
This recipe is my family's favorite recipe for cranberry sauce. It appeared in a local newspaper about 10 years ago and I have made it every year since...
I've shared this recipe with many friends and co-workers. The flavor is fantastic. You'd never know the main sauce ingredient is cranberry. Being from...
Posted by request. I haven't made grape jam in years (since my kids were small). Unfortunately, I never wrote down how much this recipe makes, I remember...
This recipe is actually called Cranberry Delight, but after finding a couple other recipes here with that name, I thought I should change this one, since...
Almost 30 years ago, one of my cousins served this for her bridal shower with turkey salad in the middle of the beautiful jello ring. It was so lovely...
Here in the Pacific NW we have lots of fresh cranberries around the holidays and this is a must-have at our holiday meals. As a tip, I always put some...
When blackberries are in season, there is nothing that says summer like this simple, delicious cobbler. Adapted from The Pioneer Woman Cooks, this easy...
The aromatic scent of holidays and Mum's home baking, mixed spice is an essential jar on the spice rack. Mixed spice is a blend of sweet spices traditionally...
Another recipe from my mom's chutney collection. Adapted from Southern Living. Good spread on top of cheese and crackers. Also goes nicely with grilled...
This is one of our families favorites and it is requested for the family get togethers throughout the year. It is bright, colorful, easy to make and since...
This is wonderful with turkey, pork roast or any holiday feast. Recipe was repeated in the local Illinois paper Christmas edition year after year in the...
It's called Creeping Crust because the CRUST WILL RISE TO THE TOP AND CREEP OVER THE FRUIT. My family loves cobblers and this recipes adapts to any fruit...
I can't remember where I got this recipe, but it did call for putting the brandy in when serving. I had to change that. So all I have to say is: 3 ingredients,...
In Montana you wait for the huckleberries to get ripe, then you try to buy some to make this jam. They grow on West side of the Rockies. Then it is time...