Love, love, love this recipe! It's done in less than 20 minutes and is so flavorful and creamy. Perfect with a salad and garlic bread or a grilled cheese!...
Author: KPD123
A good, simple alternative to deep-frying. I think I got this from OAM Cookbook years ago. Make sure the tortillas are room temperature or they will crack...
Author: AuntMare
A super healthy vegetarian version iof the classic Tuscan bean soup. Just 3 Weightwatchers Points per generous bowl.
Author: Jana Steinhagen
A very easy very yummy taco soup. This version is vegetarian but you can add shredded chicken very easily.
Author: superblondieno2
A wonderful Paula Deen recipe. You know us G.R.I.T.S. (Girls Raised In The South) were raised on black eyed peas. This is a wonderful recipe. Serve these...
Author: SkinnyMinnie
SOURCE INSIDE AMERICA'S TEST KITCHEN I found this on the web and made some changes. Good choices for condiments include diced fresh tomatoes, diced avocado,...
Author: Chef Shadows
This is a great soup to warm your stomach on a cold winter night. So simple and so flavorful! I found this on Food Network, but tweaked it to be a little...
Author: ArtofAimee
Delicious fresh herbs and a blend of peppers make this a fresh, light, and healthy dish that can be a side or a main course. My family loves this on warm...
Author: Kelly Belli
This is an easy, healthy salad that is a great side dish to BBQ chicken, beef or fish! It can also be easily adapted to a Tex-Mex style by changing the...
Author: sourdough girl
This is a really good three bean salad. I used to make this all the time and I just found it in our family cookbook where I'd submitted the recipe.
Author: Teresa M
The beans can be made ahead. After cooking, cool them to room temp and refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 4 days. Note: It is NOT NECESSARY...
Author: Tracy K
An Old World bean soup recipe given to me by my husband's cousin's grandparents who are from the Portuguese Azore Islands. You can follow the spice trade...
Author: COOKGIRl
I have seen a couple of recipes for taco soup, but this is different. I received it from my ww leader. It is very much like a chili and is so easy. My...
Author: mrsfernie
A simple recipe which I found in the June 2002 issue of the 'Australian Good Taste' magazine, in a bring-a-dish for eight menu plan. Obviously, the recipe...
Author: bluemoon downunder
A friend passed this 'jewel' of a recipe on to me. My girls ask for it in their lunchboxes!
Author: Sonya
This salad keeps in the refrigerator for at least a week or two. Note to World Tour participants - I believe the ingredients used in this recipe are typical...
Author: PanNan
A colorful and refreshing summer salad. An excellent option for vegetarians.
Here ya go. This is my favorite recipe. My mom would make it all the time when I was little. Easy Baked Beans My Mom's (Pat) Recipe
Author: Sean Coate
I love soup! This is very tasty and a real hearty treat. It comes together quickly. UPDATE: 2/14 I recently added a can of diced tomatoes an that was a...
Author: Chicagoland Chef du
Make and share this Super Easy Mild Chili recipe from
Author: Auntie Jan
Make and share this Hummus Without Tahini recipe from
Author: roxnsox
This is a rich, satisfying meal that freezes well. Great on a cold winter day. Serve it with tortillas, cornbread, French breadand/or rice! Enjoy!
Author: Sharon123
Make and share this Chili .... Wendy's Chili recipe from
Author: Timothy H.
I got this recipe from a PACE Salsa summer pocket cookbook many years ago. It is a simple method to dress up canned baked beans. I have adjusted the ingredients/measurements...
Author: Cathy17
This our secret family traditional recipe for "frijoles borachos" translates into "drunk beans. What many people call frijoles a la charra or frijoles...
Author: Spyce
Make and share this Lima Bean and Cabbage Soup recipe from
Author: Joanie Grow
Very homey and comforting - especially on a cold day, when you want a more 'stick-to-your-ribs' type soup. This is definitely better made a couple of days...
Author: evelynathens
When I make this recipe, I like it to be so hot it's barely edible, so I put in about a dozen serano peppers. If you want it milder you can just add one...
Author: GiddyUpGo
When I have left over pinto beans, this is our favorite recipe. Once you taste it, you'll never settle for canned refried beans again. Queso Blanco is...
Author: Sandy in Oklahoma
I got this recipe yrs ago from a friend who served this dish at a dinner party & it got rave reviews. When you want to impress or convince a lima bean...
Author: twissis
I altered this recipe from my Fix - It and Forget - It cookbook. Yummy bean soup with a southwestern twist that is made in your slow cooker. The cornmeal...
Author: Crafty Lady 13
A great basic chili!!! Easy and delicious. We use the leftovers to make chili cheese omelettes on the weekends! Also great served over Fritos for frito...
Author: Charmie777
A nice, tangy bean salad great for picnics. I never add salt to anything I make, so add it if you like it. Lasts about 5 days in the fridge.
Author: C and Ds Mommy
Make and share this Dressed Three Bean Salad recipe from
Author: Christine
Found this newspaper clipping tucked away among some old papers I was searching through, but don't know what newspaper it came from. Sounds perfect for...
Author: CulinaryQueen
This is one of those make loads and eat for days recipes - easy and tasty. If you absolutely must, you can use canned tomatoes - but only if you can't...
Author: kolibri
This recipe is adapted from a wonderful cookbook, Mennonite Country-Style Recipes. It is a fantastically quick chili that can be made ahead and kept warm...
Author: funthymecookin
A quick, easy, delicious soup made with a smoked sausage, vegetables, beef broth, and cans of Campbell's Bean with Bacon Soup.
Author: Cindi M Bauer
This is a delicate and tastful recipe with pungent and fresh flavors of Cilantro, Garlic, and Celery and will bring joy and freshness to your spring, you...
Author: Chef Youketnuba 2
Make and share this Red Beans and Rice (Vegetarian) recipe from
Author: Tallbirdmace
Butter Beans are most similar to our 'gigantes' (giants). If any of you have access to an ethnic Greek grocery, go and get the real thing - you'll love...
Author: evelynathens
Marinated beans that pack a punch! Refrigerate this salad overnight and see if it gets more tasty. You can vary the recipe by substituting black beans...
Author: Kathy Miller
These beans are just what the name says - quick to prepare and easy to eat! Please note that the cook time can be only 10 minutes if you microwave these....
Author: Junebug
This is yummy and filling; good comfort food. My husband calls it Chili Pot Pie. If you like it spicy you can add red pepper flakes or other spices with...
Author: Busy Lindsay
I found several Sweet & Sour Green Bean recipes over the years. Like any cook, I liked certain things about certain ones, and decided to make my own. So,...
Author: Chef Garlic