These beer biscuits are quick and easy to prepare. Using baking mix, you'll combine sugar, melted butter and a can of your favorite beer all together....
This easy recipe will help you make a delicious authentic Irish wheaten bread. Perfect as an accompaniment to a bowl of soup, or toasted with butter and...
French palmiers, pig's ear, palm heart, elephant ear or simply puff pastry cookies. This tasty cookie has many names. Palmiers are heart-shaped crispy...
Drive the clan crazy with the smell of fresh-baked biscuits... and bacon... and cheese... and apple. These. Are. Epic. Buttery, flaky, and OMG good Cheese...
Ready, Set, Cook! Reynolds Wrap Contest Entry. Pasta shells are filled with cheeses and full of flavor. This takes your everyday macaroni and cheese to...
The Polish chocolate cake recipe is really simple. That's the main reason murzynek cake is so popular in Poland. It's quick to make and the frosting is...
A simple recipe made for my brother on his protein craze, designed as an alternative way of consuming protein whilst also being a yummy and healthy option!...
Celebrate fall flavors with this easy pumpkin crunch dessert. Yellow cake mix, evaporated milk, canned pumpkin and few more ingredients turn into a decadent...
Crazy for Popovers! A month or two ago I had the pleasure of dining at the exclusive corporate headquarters of the Hearst publishing empire. It was a private...
This easy pumpkin pie recipe is a blend of pumpkin puree, sugar, heavy cream and pumpkin pie spice, baked in a par-baked pie crust and topped with whipped...
These perfectly-sized little chocolate tarts are just the thing for your next dinner party. You can make them in advance and the relax, knowing you've...
This basic gluten free bread recipe creates an easy gluten free loaf, which is best when eaten fresh from the oven or toasted. You can also slice this...
A crumbly chocolate base, sweet peppermint filling and a decadent chocolate topping make up this Peppermint Slice. It's incredibly delicious and so easy...
These classic Canadian squares go by many names such as Pink Sin or Pink Ladies. After much debate, I decided to call mine Pink Angels since they're pink,...
These delicious vegan cheese scones are so light and 'buttery' no-one will believe they are vegan! A tang of mustard and dairy-free cheese makes them the...
Have an excess of blackberries? Make biscuit-topped blackberry cobbler! It's easier and faster than pie. Start it before dinner and it will be ready...