A quick and robust way to enjoy asparagus. Roasting highlights the natural sweetness of the asparagus while the balsamic vinegar offers a tangy compliment...
One of my favorite quick recipes for green asparagus, stir-fried with garlic and olive oil. A squeeze of fresh lemon juice brightens the asparagus up at...
This easy side dish has loads of Parmesan flavor, yet it tastes light enough to not overpower the asparagus. The sauce comes together in minutes while...
This garlicky red potato and asparagus dish is easy and delicious served either hot or cold. Rosemary and thyme give it a sophisticated flavor. Try adding...
Roasting veggies always needs revamping every now and then, and I like to experiment by pairing them with different dressings or cheeses. I happened to...
an easy Asparagus Soup recipe. This pretty, easy-to-make first-course soup is flavorful and creamy, yet is extremely low fat-it has only one tablespoon...
A bright and flavorful vegetable dish that even vegetable haters will enjoy. It goes great with roasted meats. For milder flavors, substitute mozzarella...
The special thing about this recipe is that it's so simple. Fresh asparagus with a little oil, salt, and pepper is cooked quickly over high heat on the...
Asparagus Salad with Sweet Balsamic Vinegar - Boiling the vinegar concentrates and sweetens it, so the dressing doesn't require as much oil to balance...
This is a very quick and healthy vegetable side dish. Even my son, who is very picky, loves this. It works well as a snack with wine, as an appetizer,...
So quick and easy, this cheesy asparagus dish goes great with pork or poultry. Even those in my family that turn up their noses to asparagus, love this...
Editor's note: The recipe and introductory text below are adapted from Elizabeth Karmel's Web site, girlsatthegrill.com . Grilling asparagus miraculously...
My mom made this when I was a kid. My wife makes it for me often. It's easy and delicious. I am not a big fan of asparagus prepared any other way. I like...
This cold asparagus dish is tender, tasty and easy to create. The zesty lemon and the salty prosciutto work perfectly together to add wonderful flavor...
This simple recipe takes ordinary asparagus and turns it into a side dish that any man in your life will love! Serve as a side dish to grilled salmon or...
Asparagus is so good in the spring, and sometimes, you can find the really thick spears, like I did. This lovely side dish is ready in just a few minutes...
Asparagus baked to tender perfection and blanketed in cheese for a side dish that is simple enough for a busy weeknight meal yet elegant enough to serve...
It's just one of those salads that was created on a gorgeous summer evening with a bunch of stuff I had in the fridge. Grilled asparagus is tossed with...