Vegetarian or not, you've got to try this one! I have even converted eggplant haters with this! It is SO good! Very forgiving too you can make ahead partially...
Peggy Knickerbocker is a San Francisco-based cookbook author. Here's her recipe for a simple, but incredibly refreshing, lemon granita. This classic Sicilian...
A rich and delicious strata that would be a nice feature dish at a brunch. This can be assembled a day ahead. Just cover and refrigerate before baking....
Bouillabaisse is a fish stew, originating from the south of France (Marseilles). I believe the story of the dish is much like that of Ciopinno. Years ago...
There's a time and place for pickled beets, but I prefer the effects of roasting them. They turn soft and buttery and form a nice backdrop for a salad....
This is a great alternative when you want to impress guests but don't want to spend a fortune on a meal. Using ground beef is faster and easier on the...
I got this from a local farmer up in MI years ago, Bills Fruit Stand. Really, just a road side summer stand. She, the wife had some recipes written on...
This is from Bon Appetit magazine, June 2008. This is exactly as written in the magazine, but when I made it I used spinach instead of arugula (the market...
This is a lower-fat, no-boil version of Julesong's Recipe #50213. After one bite, my 11 year old son said, "make this again, Mom." Many thanks to Julesong...
This is a pretty easy soup, I do roast the tomatoes to really intensify the flavor and you have to chop a few ingredients, but it is very easy and full...
This family recipe has been passed down for generations. My dad used this recipe for an annual chili cookoff in our home town and it drew huge crowds....
This is from Food & Wine January 2010. It's called free-form because the pasta can be arranged in different ways - for instance, folded over the filling...
This pork comes out tender and delicious, and the sauce has a great combo of sweet and spicy flavors. This is great with fried rice or just plain white...
Chicken Marengo has been subjected to its authenticity over the years and my personal determination is it's a concept not a true recipe. It is said Chef...
Published in the September 2007 restaurant issue of Bon Appetit, this recipe is from a popular Napa Valley restaurant, Cook St. Helena. this makes 6 first...
Tired of tomato sauce with your pasta? This white sauce is a nice change of pace. Mushrooms and Italian sausage compliment each other well. Don't skip...
Anyone from Ohio who has had Frisch's Tartar Sauce knows that THIS is THE best Tartar Sauce ever! It's great on hamburgers and of course fish sandwiches!!!...
These are quick and colorful. Use plain, whole wheat, or colorful spinach, herbed, or sun-dried tomato tortillas to wrap up your favorite meat and cheese....
This is the basic recipe from Mueller's box with a couple substitutions to suit my taste and laziness. Makes one deep 13x9 pan. If you make ahead and refrigerate,...
This is a great little side dish for a BBQ and much healthier than the typical mayo-based macaroni salad. Olive Oil is packed with mono-unsaturated (good...
I'm not really sure why this is called Hunter's stew -- there isn't any wild game in it. It is super easy to throw together & is a wonderful meal on a...
This is the closest I could come to the salmon loaf my Grandma used to serve, always with a baked potato, often with a side of broccoli. It works great...
Instructions are for a Big Batch of Marinara Sauce utilizing a huge can of Nina San Marzano Tomatoes 106 ounces which you can purchase for less than four...
From the November, 2008 Wine Enthusiast, this recipe is from French cookbook author Sophie Dudemaine's newest book, "Ducasse Made Sinple" which is based...
I looked all over and this was the best recipe I could find. I got it from the prep time is just guess work since i haven't made this...