The best qualities of a gratin shine in this incredibly simple side dish: Pieces of sweet butternut squash and a flurry of salty Parmigiano-Reggiano meld...
The caramelized flavor of bourbon and the tang of sour cream add balance to the rich, spiced filling of this cheesecake. Chopped pecans add a nutty dimension...
Make these honey-glazed carrots and parsnips for a savory-sweet holiday side dish. It'll pair perfectly with anything you've cooked up for Thanksgiving...
This dip is similar to the original green goddess dressing, which was created in the 1920s at San Franciscos Palace Hotel. Here, sour cream stands in...
The most tremendous veggie casserole in the history of veggie casseroles! I started making it around Thanksgiving as an alternative to broccoli-rice casserole,...
It's never a bad idea to serve pie with plenty of whipped cream. Think your pie is sweet enough? You can leave the sugar out-ain't nothin' wrong with plain...
On the buffet table, put the ham and mustard sauce next to the Caraway-Dill Biscuits so that your guests can make their own little sandwiches. Prepare...
"This moist, chewy soda bread satisfies all my starchy cravings but is so packed with seeds, oats, and whole wheat that it's also energy-sustaining. It...