Made with just two main ingredients, pigs in a blanket are impossible to resist! Wrapped in buttery pastry, these bite-size sausage snacks are a party...
Keep this grilled chicken marinade on hand for easy weeknight cooking. You'll get juicy chicken every time so you never have to worry about dry chicken...
You can make queso dip right at home with two easy methods: stovetop and slow cooker. It's cheesy, melty, and perfect for your next party.
This extra-creamy, slightly smoky jalapeño popper dip recipe is the perfect game day snack.
These crispy, oven-baked lemon pepper chicken wings get a boost of flavor from tart lemon and fresh cracked pepper.
If you like pigs in a blanket, you'll love sausage rolls. The buttery, flaky pastries stuffed with sausage are popular snacks in much of Europe.
You won't even miss the meat when you bite into these delicious veggie burgers! Make them for your next barbecue as a vegetarian option for guests.
These jalapeño poppers are filled with a creamy mixture of cheddar cheese, pickled jalapeños, and bacon before quick-cooking in the air fryer.
Author: Chef Kelly Fields
Sausage balls are a classic holiday appetizeruFEFF that might make you go "Wait, what even is a sausage ball?!" The answer: Addictive bites of cooked pork...
Author: Lindsay Funston