This crisp, rich and buttery dressing is excellent as a side dish for dinner on Thanksgiving and as leftovers the next day. Aromatics and a mix of fresh...
Lucy Buffett and her famous brother, Jimmy, grew up in Mobile, Ala., where seafood from the Gulf of Mexico is a key player in the culinary canon. Mr. Buffett...
This is an Italian-American turkey stuffing that was invented in New Jersey by Pietronilla Conte, who emigrated from the Italian region of Molise in the...
This fairly classic stuffing recipe has been scaled down to feed two (generously). Filled with buttery sautéed shallots and plenty of herbs, it's rich...
This stuffing - or, you can call it a dressing - is baked outside the turkey so that it develops a crisp topping. You'll want to make sure your cornbread...
Pears and walnuts complement dark black and pale brown rice in this sweet and savory mixture. Make sure you don't overcook the pears; they need only a...
Sarah Frey, who sells more pumpkins than anyone else in America, often entertains retailers and produce executives at her farmhouse in southern Illinois....
Call this savory mix of wild rice, quinoa, mushrooms, walnuts and greens a stuffing or a pilaf. It's not meant to go inside a turkey but it's imbued with...
This dressing combines corn bread, turkey broth, three kinds of pepper and a healthy scattering of fiery sausage for a Thanksgiving dish that is crunchy...
Cornbread dressing is an intensely personal thing. In the American South, at least, everybody's grandmother had a recipe, and everyone knows just how it...
Imagine Thanksgiving stuffing, but with the red-sauce flavors of cheese pizza. Tomato paste and dried oregano, bloomed in buttery onions, do the heavy...
The better the bread you use here (a thick-crusted country loaf, sliced and toasted quite dry in the oven works well), the better the end result. It acts...
Thanksgiving dinner in Hawaii may start with pineapple-Vienna-sausage skewers and litchis stuffed with cream cheese. Later there is turkey and ham, but...
In a lot of states, people don't just eat food on Thanksgiving; they hunt for it. Lora Smith, a writer and farmer with roots in Kentucky, sends along a...
This fairly classic stuffing recipe has been scaled down to feed two (generously). Filled with buttery sautéed shallots and plenty of herbs, it's rich...