Dates are stuffed with blue cheese, wrapped in bacon and baked until crisp. These are delicious and very easy to make for a party. You can serve them at...
This is my absolute favorite marinade for pork tenderloin. It is simple, sweet, warm flavors and a little spice with some red pepper. Just marinade in...
This recipe comes originally from the "Meat lovers Cookbook" - It is easy to put together and wait til you taste them.they are awesome - I served them...
tasty roast pork, Puerto Rican style, Marine overnight. This is every Puerto Rican party dish. If there is no pernil in the party there is no party, especially...
Pork and sauerkraut is the traditional New Year's Day meal here in Pennsylvania Dutch Land. This is my rendition of that holiday meal. I usually serve...
This recipe comes from,THE BEST OF LIVING IN SOUTH CAROLINA cookbook. Recipes were gathered from the monthly magazine published by the Electric Cooperatives...
No need to order in chow mein when you can make it yourself, this is just as good if not even better than any Chinese restaurant or take-out -- if you...
This technique keeps the meatloaf moist, while fortifying the sauce with its flavorful drippings. Regardless, this technique will work with just about...
Arguably, some of the best 'cue in the country can be found in North Carolina, where two distinct types of slow-cooked pig prevail. The first is Eastern...
The recipe transforms thin supermarket pork chops into an unforgettable-juicy-tender-flavor-packed-lip-smacking pork experience. A combination of brining,...
This is the only way to cook bratwurst in Wisconsin. The brats are incredibly tasty! If you can get fresh bratwurst from a sausage shop, do it... it is...
This recipe for maple-brined pork roast is a delicious way for you to experience just how easy a simple brine really is. I love the way the meat gets infused...
I love to eat out and I think that this is even better than the schnitzel we can get at our local German restaurant. I found the recipe on the RecipeSource...
This is a fairly authentic version of the popular Salvadorean dish. It does take some time, however it is well worth the effort! You can purchase pre-made...
This recipe came from my aunt who is an awesome cook, just like my mom. It's a great way to prepare a cheaper cut of meat and still have something that's...
This is a colorful, exciting, sheet pan sausage and vegetable dish that everyone will love. Try a mix of sausages: Italian, chorizo, Merguez, andouille,...
I have made this recipe many times using baby back pork ribs, the sauce from this is amazing, I have even added in a bottle of barbecue sauce in with the...
Southern comfort food at its easiest. Pork chops smothered in onion, garlic, baby bella mushrooms, and a brown gravy sauce. Tastes great as gravy on mashed...
Sticky ribs come out tender and delicious with no pre-boiling involved. Just mix up the sauce and bake. Everyone loves them! You can bake right away or...
This is a baked sandwich using frozen bread dough, meat, and cheese. My picky eaters love this for an easy weeknight meal and it's great served with a...
A tangy soy and apricot preserve mixture does double duty in this baby back rib recipe, serving as both a marinade and a tasty basting sauce during the...
I wanted to make BBQ pork tenderloin in the slow cooker, but not pulled pork. This worked out nicely so I thought I'd post the recipe so I can make it...
Pork is an excellent choice for a holiday family dinner. Stuffed with orange- and ginger-accented dried fruit, the glazed roast slices beautifully and...
This is an authentic recipe given to me from a friend from Malaysia. It is her Grandfather's recipe who had a store. You'll probably want to double (or...