Just something a little different from the clam-based stuffing(s). Basic recipe you can change to suit your personal tastes. I usually cook and stir the...
I made this recipe up for a party I had. Now I get calls all the time from people asking how to make it. The mushrooms are stuffed with hamburger meat,...
These are great stuffed mushrooms, the recipe uses sour cream and grated cheese to hold the stuffing together, it is far and away my favorite pre-dinner...
These mushrooms are delicious on their own, or put them on toasted sourdough bread with Dijon mustard for a great veggie sandwich. Use a mixture of chopped...
These mushrooms are stuffed with spicy cream cheese, then breaded and topped with shrimp. Hide half of them for you to eat secretly throughout the evening,...
Everything you love about stuffed mushrooms is set neatly into these tidy little mini phyllo shells--spinach, mushrooms, garlic, cheese, bacon--did I say,...
These sausage and cream cheese stuffed mushrooms will be the hit of any party. Every time I make them everybody wants the recipe. This is the first time...
Delicious mushroom caps filled with a clam stuffing! Very easy, and even better than the stuffed mushrooms from that famous Italian restaurant chain.......
We hunt these every spring and, cooked this way, you can taste the mushroom and they stay crispy. These are the prime rib of mushrooms! You will love these...
A delicious quiche-like tart with chanterelles that has a slightly firmer texture due to the chevre, and an earthy nuttiness that comes from the ground...
This appetizer is loaded with so many flavors and it's vegetarian and healthy. Give it a shot if you want to impress! It may sound like a ton of work,...
These mushrooms with pork hash stuffing are great as an appetizer or even as a side dish. The amount of mushrooms you have on hand can dictate the amount...
In my husband's family, we have a tradition of making a variety of appetizers as our meal for Christmas Eve. My sister-in-law brought these one year and...
Braising isn't just for meat. This recipe gently cooks broccoli and porcini mushrooms in a rich sauce to bring out their natural flavors. Served over hot,...
A great, stick-to-your-ribs kind of vegetarian stew. I've made variations of this for over 10 years and meat eaters love it as well as vegetarians. The...
A local restaurant in North Carolina made these. I loved them, but they were horribly expensive. So I figured out how to make them on my own. They are...
My husband loves stuffed jalapenos and I like stuffed mushrooms, so I came up with this recipe that combines the two. Leave some of the seeds or ribs in...
This vegan mushroom ceviche is made with white mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes, and onion. It gets its spice from pickled jalapeno peppers. Serve as a dip...
These low-carb mushrooms are easy to make and cook in under 10 minutes in your air fryer. They make the perfect game-day snack, but also impress as a first...
Portobello mushrooms marinated in balsamic vinegar and rosemary, then grilled - these are heaven. If you don't have a grill, they're also delicious fried...
This is easy, delicious and a huge hit a parties. Everyone always asks for the recipe! Mushrooms are marinated in a zesty oil and vinegar mixture. Adjust...
Cheese, bacon, and peppers! I usually throw an habanero in when we are making it just for us. These are also great with a salad for dinner. This filling...
This mushroom stew is fast to make with a handful of ingredients. Shimeji mushrooms can often be found at an Asian grocer. Miso paste is naturally salty,...