Nothing beats fresh fish, especially when it is filled with a fresh dill and lemon bread stuffing. The fresh flavors of this dish will leave your mouth...
This is similar to classic tuna fish salad but with a kick. My boyfriend made this when we were out of relish and decided to substitute with jalapenos....
We usually encounter only one version of Brazil's signature dish in this country - the one from Bahia, rich and almost currylike with coconut milk and...
My son's girlfriend, Nicole, named this 'mango-licous'. The mango salsa is great over the tilapia, as a dip or on cottage cheese. Try serving the tilapia...
Poaching is a great way to bring out the delicate flavor of whole fish. A poacher will use less liquid than a pan, but either works. This whole poached...
Gefilte fish is one of those recipes where touch and taste are essential ingredients. A basic recipe goes this way:"You put in this and add that." If you...
These smoked salmon sandwiches are simple enough for even the most inexperienced cook, yet delicious and elegant enough to be served to a special someone....
Black cod is steeped in sweet miso before being baked in the oven. The sweetness of Nobu-style Saikyo Miso is an excellent match with the plumpness of...
A fast, tasty, spicy fried fish recipe which can be adjusted to suit the cook's (or diner's) preference. I call it Cajun Compromise because the spice level...
Use Boursin or Allouette Cheese and canned tomatoes seasoned with onion, peppers and garlic to make this dish with fresh cod. It's an outstanding fish...
A quick layered casserole with tuna, cheese and egg noodles. Experiment with different cheeses and soups to develop your own family recipe! For variety,...
Have a ton of bluefish and don't know what to do with it? Give this a try! Bluefish has a reputation for being a very strong fish. This super citrus marinade...
Roasting salmon low and slow yields fish that stays moist and tender even when served chilled. A raw green bean salad is a perfect crunchy accompaniment;...
This is an easy recipe that I made up myself. It can be used when there are not too many ingredients available to make a big dinner. Can be served with...
Adding an entire lemon-skin, pith, and flesh-to the sauce provides brightness and texture. Any bitterness from the pith will be offset by the sesame oil...
In an attempt to eat healthier, my husband and I have been eating more vegetables and less meats. As a result, I have become more creative coming up with...
A California classic, these tacos rely on quality fish-and a boost from a dry rub-to set them apart. Buy the best seafood you can find, and serve the extra...