In this hearty one-pot dinner, chicken thighs are browned, then braised in chicken broth flavored with mustard, sage, garlic and a triple dose of apple:...
This recipe, adapted from Samin Nosrat's "Salt Fat Acid Heat," is inspired by the Southern grandma method of marinating chicken overnight in buttermilk...
A little sweet, a little spicy and very citrusy, this easy chicken recipe hits all the right notes, making it the kind of weeknight dinner you'll put on...
Chicken scarpariello, also known as shoemaker's chicken, is a classic Italian-American dish of chicken, sausage, vinegar, onions and peppers that has all...
In this simple weeknight recipe, chicken thighs and drumsticks are seasoned with garlic, herbs and red-pepper flakes, and roasted alongside tender chunks...
This sweet, well-seasoned dish is great for Sunday dinner. You only have to marinate for an hour, but you could do it up to overnight. Set it up the night...
This comforting but peppy chicken-and-vegetable combo accommodates any root vegetables that you like or need to use up. Roast them alongside morsels of...
The chef Fany Gerson makes her tangy and sweet roast chicken with an apricot glaze: a mixture of apricot jam, butter and garlic that is applied while the...
Among Palestinians, mussakhan is a beloved roast chicken dish, at once energetic and comforting. In this recipe, adapted from Yasmin Khan's "Zaitoun: Recipes...
Curry powder is stirred into this braise only during the last minute of cooking, delivering a bright hit of spice on top of the paprika and turmeric mellowed...
There's nothing more comforting than chicken and potatoes, and this recipe is no exception. Getting its flavor and heat from a combination of mild Jamaican...
Coated in a balsamic vinegar glaze that's spiked with ginger, garlic and soy sauce, these chicken thighs are sweet-tart and irresistibly sticky. They're...
The combination of honey and mustard has been around since ancient Egypt and Rome, and midcentury American cooks used it in any number of dishes, from...
This festive dish is a fairly easy main course for the Seder meal - or anytime. Marinating overnight leaves very little work on the day of serving, but...
Popular across West Africa, chicken yassa coaxes deep flavor from a handful of simple ingredients: smoky grilled chicken, sweet caramelized onions, tangy...
Roasting chicken with tarragon is a classic combination, but here it's given a twist. Instead of a whole bird, bone-in thighs are marinated in tarragon...
Making a chicken shine with glaze typically requires combining a form of sugar (like honey or maple syrup) with something to balance that sweetness, like...
Chicken roasted on a sheet pan develops gloriously crispy skin thanks to the increased hot airflow from the oven that passes over it. The extra space on...
A spatchcocked chicken, also called a butterflied chicken, cooks more quickly and evenly than a whole bird, giving you juicy white meat as well as dark...
In this comforting braise, bone-in chicken and potatoes slowly cook in a lively lemon-saffron bath until the meat is fall-off-the-bone tender and the potatoes...
Versatility is what you get with this dish, which borrows its flavors from the Italian staple saltimbocca, a combination of veal, prosciutto and sage....
A showstopper of a dinner made for cold nights, this spin on classic chicken pot pie is the perfect all-in-one dinner when you're craving something hearty...
The secret to these five-star chicken breasts is a simple, flavorful marinade of turmeric, rosemary, garlic, lime juice and olive oil. Most importantly,...
These simple sandwiches are reminiscent of a lazy summer cookout - but doable on a weeknight. Though slow cookers are often associated with winter, they're...
This deeply savory, weeknight-friendly sheet-pan chicken is worth buying a new jar of sweet paprika for, especially if you can't remember when you got...
Chilaquiles are a traditional Mexican breakfast dish of fried corn tortillas simmered in a red (roja) or green (verde) sauce and often topped with cheese...
Doro wat is a popular chicken dish in Ethiopia, and for Ethiopian Jews like Meskerem Gebreyohannes, it is also a fine centerpiece for a holiday like Hanukkah....
Think of this as a weeknight chicken confit, cooked low and slow in plenty of olive oil along with sweet carrots and tangy lemon slices. Save that leftover...
A short, simple dry brine can take a pallid chicken breast from bland to glam. Dark brown sugar is especially welcome since its molasses provides additional...
A golden-skinned roasted duck is a festive main course for any special meal. In this recipe, the bird is doused with boiling water before being scored...
A tangy rhubarb-lemon glaze gives roasted chicken a touch of sweetness and a deeply golden, crunchy skin. The rhubarb, which is cooked in the oven along...
This is a simple dish: chicken that's a little bit braised and a little bit roasted in a covered Dutch oven. The seasonings - garlic, onions, herbs and...
A good roasted chicken is a simple pleasure, but a braised chicken dish is always more interesting. Here, dried wild mushrooms, smoked bacon and red wine...
Using store-bought puff pastry instead of homemade pie crust for a chicken potpie might seem like cheating, but rest assured it's for the best, adding...
Adapted from the chef Chintan Pandya of Adda Indian Canteen in Long Island City, Queens, this fiery, aromatic recipe calls for marinating whole chicken...
Boneless, skinless thighs are a boon to grilling because they're almost impossible to overcook. Breasts are a bit trickier because they are low in fat...
Pungent from the fish sauce and garlic, sweet and sour from the honey and lime, and spicy from the jalapeño, the Houston chef Chris Shepherd likes to...
This one-pan meal is inspired by the flavors of pasta con le Sarde, a classic Sicilian dish made with sardines and fennel. Anchovies take the place of...
In the south Indian state of Kerala, a street stall selling food is called a thattukada, and one of the most well-known dishes served is something called...
This recipe fulfills the fantasy of grilled chicken that is both juicy and charred. Spatchcocking and slashing the bird allow it to cook evenly and remain...
Michael W. Twitty's use of matzo meal to coat his fried chicken is an ode to the innovative Black women of the American South, including his own ancestors....
This juicy, citrus-scented chicken is a perfect dish for that shoulder season between summer and fall, when pears and figs overlap in the market, and evenings...
Not quite a braise and quicker than a roast, this saucy, tangy one-pot vinegar chicken can be prepared in under an hour with ingredients you probably have...
In this vaguely Cantonese turkey, the bird is roasted beneath a rich glaze of fermented soybean paste, garlic, ginger, soy sauce and alliums galore, then...
There are about a million ways to roast a chicken, and people will always tell you that theirs is the best way. Here is the truth: If you smear a good,...
Chicken, that old weeknight standby, can get pretty boring day after day. This dish, adapted from "Mediterranean Cooking" by Paula Wolfert, is almost as...
This Bangladeshi-style chicken korma, named for my mother, Amu, is gently spiced and enriched with yogurt instead of cream or nuts, resulting in a light...
Chicken shawarma, a rotisserie favorite heady with spice and flavor, is usually cooked on a spit, then shaved into sandwiches and salads. But it also belongs...
Popular in many Caribbean households, this chicken dish gets its deep rich color from store-bought browning sauce, like Grace, which is made from a combination...