This is a fabulous, easy to make recipe I found in the "Cooking with Paula Deen" magazine - a sure winner for all those who love chocolate and butterfingers!...
This crunchy crumble is the perfect topping for an ice cream sundae, easy apple crumble, or our Build-Your-Own Thanksgiving Pie Bar. Pro tip: Keep a batch...
On October 2, 2001, I discovered the Recipezaar Web site. I immediately joined so I could post a request for a recipe I had lost. In less than an hour,...
This is my favorite cake. A rich,buttery apple cake. No need for icing. I make this cake very often. It can be served warm with a dollop of whipped cream,...
Marshmallow creme is what makes this easy fudge so incredibly airy (hint: the recipe is inspired by the popular recipe on the back of the label). Chopped...
Tiraimisu is one of my favorite desserts, but sometimes it's hard to find marscapone cheese. This easy recipe uses cream cheese instead. My mom got this...
This famous fruitcake recipe by Fanny Farmer goes back years, I made it recently using the brandied fruit cake option as stated on the bottom of the recipe...
This is a rich and extremely moist coffee cake with a layering of walnuts and cinnamon in ribbons in the middle and on top of this cake. This cake can...
Wondering how to make a Honey Bun Cake? You may be surprised to learn that there's actually no honey in this recipe. Named for the cake's cinnamon-roll-like...
A nicely decorated chocolate cake always makes an impressive presentation, even if it is semi-homemade. Adding raspberry cream filling between layers and...
This elegant dessert is not your typical dump cake: Rich chocolate cake is covered with glossy cherry filling and sprinkled with toasted almonds - reminiscent...
This wonderfully moist almond cake easily goes gluten-free if desired. The cake comes together quickly in the food processor, with some apricots puréed...
This no-crust cheesecake has a light texture and a rich, eggy flavor. It will rise like a souffle in the oven and then fall during the last 10 minutes...
YUM!!! This is an excellent frosting which incorporates two of my favorite things...peanut butter and cream cheese and it's also easy to make. I used it...
It is hard to believe in this day and age - when salted caramel ice cream is almost as ubiquitous as vanilla - that desserts in which salt plays a starring...
Once the weather heats up, the first thing I crave is a homemade banana split: ice cream, strawberry topping and whipped cream, surrounded by bananas covered...
Anything is possible when you're baking with Betty, so take your favorite oatmeal and crisp rice cereal and give a breakfast staple a sweet cookie change...