I have made this cake many times to serve to guests over the holidays and have always gotten rave reviews, it is one of the best Kahlua cakes and I have...
Here is another one of those 'triple lemon' pound cakes, & this recipe comes from the 2001 cookbook, Luscious Lemon Desserts. Be sure to read carefully...
Not your typical fruit cake! We eat this one down South (Florida) and Granmama finally let me have the recipe. No baking, no aging and none of that "whatsit?"...
Custardy and classic, this easy pie shows off the earthy richness of sweet potatoes with a little butter and a blend of warming spices. Be sure to start...
Fudge-making can be fussy-good thing you're a hostess with a hack. By using Betty Crockerâ„¢ Rich & Creamy Vanilla Frosting, there's no need for a candy...
The secret to these cookies' melt-in-your-mouth texture is the confectioners' sugar, which easily comes together with almonds in a food processor. The...
Wow your family and friends with the ultimate and easy-to-make treat-chocolate-covered strawberries! You'll need fresh berries, melted chocolate and a...
Inspired by the nostalgic candy, this indulgent dessert is both familiar and elegant. Almond paste fortifies the rich aroma of the cherries, while kirsch...
This is a fantastic American recipe equivalent to our crumble. It's particularly good with strawberries and rhubarb, but you can use any fruit combo you...
This basic pastry is used in many popular recipes, from mince pies to quiches; it's also one of the easiest pastries to start with. The uncooked dough...
This is a fabulous old recipe...the pastry has yeast in it yet requires no rising or kneading! This recipe is great for bakers who are not yet experts-...
This basic, buttery shortbread practically begs that you customize it to suit your own tastes or pantry supplies. The dough, which comes together quickly...
These little tasty treats are always a hit. They taste just like an apple pie, except they are mini sized and easy to eat. They are great to take to a...
Can a cookie that's so tender, so buttery and so delicate really only be 3 ingredients? Yes, it can! This iconic shortbread recipe is as simple as mixing...
Give the holidays a warm, delicious welcome...with a dollop of cream on top! This easy, 8-ingredient, impossibly easy pumpkin pie is prepped in just 10...
We know you're Betty, you know you're Betty, now show it to the world with this amazing homemade German chocolate cake. There's no cake more special, with...
This is one of my favorite Italian desserts and the perfect ending to any Italian dinner. The shells are pretty simple to make, and taste so much better...