Easy, rich, fast and yummy dessert. Your guests will never guess the crust layer is saltines! Pretty enough for company but easy enough for everyday! Time...
Our sugar dough is easy to roll and cut into all shapes and sizes. The cookies hold their shape during baking and come out firm and strong, perfect for...
We added chopped pecans and a touch of ground ginger to this classic peach crumble for texture and subtle warmth. Serve slightly warm or at room temperature,...
This is in response to a post on the boards. It is our favorite Tapioca Pudding. It is time consuming, so DH doesn't get it very often...and when he does,...
This thick, glossy sauce makes chocolate syrup taste ho-hum. It's wonderful on the Frozen Chocolate Caramel Parfaits or poured over any flavor of ice cream...
If you are searching for the perfect pound cake, then look no more, this is it!..it's one of THE best recipes for pound cake! This one has a sugar/nut...
This recipe reminds me of those big, fun family dinners we used to have when I was a kid. This is one of my favorite recipes of my grandmother's. The layers...
Using a blend of butter and oil for this cake makes it light but moist. With its tall layers and fluffy frosting, this colorful cake is perfect for any...
Blueberry Grunt is a very old recipe and can be found in many of the older cookbooks. It is basically berries baked with a sweet dumpling topping, but...
This is a very moist and fluffy cake recipe that I got from my sister-in-law. It has never failed me yet. I have used it for different occasions and holidays...
As my son says, it is like eating French Toast for dessert. :) It is very much like French Toast with a lovely caramel sauce on it. We all like it warm...
Almond cookies like these are thought to resemble coins, making them particularly popular as a symbol of good fortune during the Chinese New Year. Traditional...
Calling all mint chocolate lovers! These amazing and easy mint chocolate chip cookies are a favorite for any time of the year, but because of their bright...