We use walnuts and raisins in these cookies, but feel free to try your own favorite mix of nuts and dried fruit, like pecans and cranberries or roasted...
You can't go wrong with a classic Betty Crocker recipe, and this one is no exception. This timeless dessert is the epitome of fall-homemade flaky pastry...
Almost every square inch of this cheesecake contains an over-the-top bite of your favorite sandwich cookie. Not only are they in the crust and filling,...
The base of these cupcakes is a springy chocolate cake called "wacky cake." Made with no butter, eggs or milk and stirred together in one bowl, it was...
These are so colorful and festive looking it makes you feel like it's a party when you look at an assortment of them. And they couldn't be easier to make,...
In her take on the classic Southern dessert, Trisha Yearwood layers a quick homemade vanilla pudding with vanilla wafers and sliced bananas, all topped...
A tuile is a crisp, thin cookie that adds a bit of sweetness and crunch to servings of ice cream, sorbet, mousse and other creamy desserts. These plain...
These traditional cookies will almost melt in your mouth. To get the proper consistency in these cookies, make sure the almonds are finely ground, not...
A triple layer of crumbly crust, a truffle-like interior, and an almost patent-leather-shiny glaze make this tart the chicest take on chocolate we've come...
Do you like chocolate? You have to try this one. You really won't die, but you will think you have died and go to heaven. The prep time includes making...
Below are two different ways to make this delicious caramel spread: One is more classic-cooking down milk and sugar-but it requires a fair amount of attention...
A naughty chocolate version of a traditional trifle, and so easy to make. Layer chocolate brownies, custard, Irish cream liqueur and whipped cream for...
Bread Pudding with Spiced Rum Sauce "During a visit to Biloxi, Mississippi, I had dinner at The Seafood Buffet in the Grand Casino," Brenda Hill of Ann...
I remember the first time I had this at a picnic! My sister brought it and everyone raved about it. I could not believe it when I found out you dumped...
These cookies will remedy whatever kind of bad day you have had. They're the cookies you eat when you forgot a homework assignment, when your coworkers...
At Shubox Cafe, this dessert is known as Awesome Coconut Cake, aptly named by one of the cafe's best customers. To make this recipe, you'll need to buy...
When chef Michael Solomonov and his business partner Steve Cook develop recipes for their Philadelphia restaurants (including Zahav, Abe Fisher and K'Far),...