Even though there are just a few ingredients in this simple cake, there are also a few techniques that will make or break it. First, be sure to use the...
Cordials of chocolate-covered cherries, a classic "box of chocolates" staple, inspired this delicate cake, filled with a candied cherry mousse and covered...
Gingersnaps are a versatile cookie, perfect for serving up as a holiday treat or indulging with morning coffee. Try our Gingersnaps cookie recipe packed...
When spread on yellow cake or cupcakes, dessert becomes reminiscent of Tasty Kake's Kandy Kakes:) Yummy! But for those who dote on rich and intensely flavored...
Always wondered about the name here -- Where's a recipe for longbread, anyway! Wherever the one is found, this particular recipe was located in the Taste...
This cake is an ode to the well-known pound cake from Stocks Bakery in Philadelphia that my family had at every get-together when I was a kid. It's got...
This fudge is a total triple threat -- thanks to peanut butter chips, crunchy peanut butter and chopped roasted salted peanuts. Using sweetened condensed...
This is a really easy peach cobbler dessert my mother used to make for us when we were kids. You may use either fresh peaches or drain the canned ones....
These cookies don't taste "healthy," which makes them the perfect way to avoid breaking any eat-better resolutions. Toasting the oats before adding them...
Malted milk powder and chocolate are a perfect pairing, and this retro diner-inspired milkshake is proof positive. A creamy chocolate milkshake base is...
All you need is whipping cream and baking chocolate to create our light, fluffy and chocolaty mousse. For some added flair, top with raspberries or mint...
Ree Drummond's super-easy fudge recipe uses only three ingredients. Sprinkle the chocolate layer with peppermint candies before cutting into bite-sized...
One of the best dessert I have ever made! This custardy creation was the perfect finale for a Cajun themed dinner. Eat it while it's hot but be warned...
We love the light texture that cake flour gives baked goods, but we didn't want you to buy a whole box of it. So we used a cheat-all-purpose flour mixed...
So you want to know how to make a chocolate mousse? You've come to the right place! Chocolate mousse is easily achievable right in your own kitchen, and...
These soft-and-chewy cookies are positively bursting with bright citrus flavor. We created this versatile recipe to highlight whatever citrus fruit you...
This is a recipe my mom has been making forever and it is so yummy! She says the recipe makes 12-18 cream puffs depending on how big you make them. I hope...
Consider this one of Betty's best-kept secrets. While you can't go wrong with our classic Carrot Cake recipe, this carrot cake with pineapple offers a...