This is the best carrot cake recipe I've ever used. We prefer to use a hand grater when preparing the carrots since it creates delicate carrot shreds that...
"Since I was a kid, my family has competed in food competitions at the Texas State Fair. I have a basic cupcake recipe from my grandmother and I change...
This is a recipe for an amazingly dense and rich yet delicate cookie. You can't eat just one. When I make them, they're gone in a sitting and guests, family...
The "crinkle" in this recipe's name comes from their distinctive crackle-top. The look is achieved through the transformation of sugar-coated dough balls...
Very rich! One of my favourite cakes. This is good dressed up with frosting, served plain, or with fruit. I quadrupled this recipe, and baked it in two...
This summertime-centric pound cake was inspired by peach cobbler with a little coffee cake streusel thrown in. Serve it in slices topped with more fresh...
Not-too-sweet vanilla custard gets a blanket of soft toasted meringue in this Southern-style banana pudding. We let the pudding base sit overnight so the...
I got this recipe from a friend since I'm a big fan of white chocolate and I loved it! I'm not sure where she got it, but I thought it was good enough...
There are two kinds of pignoli cookies I grew up eating. While the crunchy version is also delicious, I am a sucker for the sweet chewiness of this soft,...
These are easily the best homemade oatmeal cookie bars we've ever had, and that's really saying something! This recipe is simple to make and has all the...
Inspired by classic streusel topped baked apples, this recipe swaps the apples for ripe juicy peaches and is a great make-ahead recipe. Simply prep the...
There are different ways to make a lemon tart. At Bouchon, the French Laundry, and Per Se, we use a sabayon method, in which the eggs are first cooked...
This fruitcake slices into 50-80 small pieces if you use it for a wedding or christening. It's delicious eaten straight away, or poked with a few holes...
The dough must be chilled for at least three hours and up to two days. The cookies can be prepared up to one week ahead, stored in an airtight container...
LongHorn Steakhouse is known for its cowboy-size portions, but fans of the chain somehow manage to save room for the Chocolate Stampede: a dark cocoa cake...
I have been baking these cookies for about 15 years now; I get so many requests for them during the holidays I can hardly keep up with the demand! I like...
Open up a whole world of sweet baking potential with your next box of Betty Crocker™ super moist cake mix and just a few pantry staples. One of the best...
This recipe is a classic and has always been well-received at the cookie swap. I measure out my dry ingredients on a piece of parchment paper and this...
This came in a pamplet in the free Hallmark Magazine. You can use this basic recipe for a layer cake with icing, cupcakes or a sheet cake with icing or...
These are the kind you found at the circus or carnival! Not the newer version covered with cramel. ;) Candy thermometer is needed for this, as well as...
To save time you can make the topping up to a day in advance, cover and refrigerate. The amounts listed makes a sweet oatmeal topping, you can reduce the...
Jell-O always seems a bit like magic to me. Add water to the brightly colored, sugary powder and in no time it's solid and giggles like a good belly laugh....