this is delicious, I started making it with a Duncan Hines carrot cake mix in the 1980's and had to switch to Betty Crocker when Duncan stopped making...
It only takes three basic ingredients and 20 minutes to make these cookies from start to finish. They're also gluten-free-no alt flours required!-but you...
There may never be an answer to what a true Dutch apple pie is. Some recipes add cream to the filling. Some call for making a deep-dish pie with a lattice...
This is the apple crisp from my childhood (there is no oatmeal in the topping). If I could only pick one dessert to make the rest of my life, this would...
Easy weeknight desert can be cooked while eating dinner. You can double the fruit, but it may take more time to cook. Also good to add cinnamon &/or nutmeg...
If your Christmas season gets so hectic that you only have time to bake one batch of cookies, we suggest that this be the one you make. This is the kind...
Inspired by a favorite holiday pie, this cheesecake and its gooey pecan topping can be made in advance. Bake the cheesecake, wrap it and refrigerate it...
No time to bake? No problem! We love this simple and delicious recipe for easy no-bake oatmeal cookies you can make in only 30 minutes. These delightfully...
This indulgent masterpiece is one seriously special treat. Perfect your presentation and serve up this chilled drink topped with marshmallows, cream and...
A great icing that we used in Wilton Cake Decorating Class. Would produce amazing results everytime. Thinning is done easily by adding water. This recipe...
Quick and easy sugar cookies. This quick and easy sugar cookie recipe is perfect for any occasion, and can be made with just the basic ingredients you...
This is my mom's recipe. It is a family requested recipe that she usually makes for Christmas. She's even added green food coloring to the cool whip to...
These are similar to a packaged brownie mix, they have a great brownie texture and take only minutes to make, just dump everything in a bowl, mix and bake!...
Make the most of summer's fresh fruit and mix up an easy Blueberry Cobbler. With a tender topping and a berry filling, this easy Blueberry Cobbler with...
This version of the sugar cookie has a slightly crispy edge and a super chewy center--thanks to increasing the sugar and baking at a higher temperature....
I always use this when I decorate cakes and I get many, many compliments on the wonderful taste. It is not that usual shortening-and-sugar-bakery-icing...
As you might expect from Betty Crocker, these are the classic version of a sugar cookie-the kind your grandma or even great-grandma would recognize. These...
Less intimidating to make than the traditional double-crust version, this apple pie gets topped with a crumbly, crunchy topping that settles nicely into...
A Floridian classic, this bright, creamy and tart dessert is so simple to make it will become a regular at your summer get togethers. Key lime juice is...
Butter, sugar and Gold Medal™ flour are all you need for this quick and easy sugar cookie recipe. The best part? It's a make-ahead and make-it-your-own...
You know that famous candy bar with creamy coconut covered in chocolate with a little almond top? Well I decided to make a tart inspired by that delicious...
Boston cream pie is a heavenly combination of light buttery layer cake, creamy vanilla custard and rich chocolate icing. Master this classic cake-the "pie"...
Homemade doughnuts are a bit of a project, but they're less work than you might think, and the result is a truly great, hot, crisp doughnut. Once you've...