Found this on the back of a Full Circle frozen Mahi Mahi fillet package. If you are low on time and need a quick, easy and tasty recipe, this will make...
Simmered beef is served on top of steamed rice. It's one of the most popular rice bowl dishes (donburi) in Japan. Top with benishoga (pickled red ginger)...
Rich, exciting flavors make this grilled chicken an exotic favorite. Arrange cooked chicken pieces on a serving platter lined with salad greens or a banana...
Creamy coconut milk and chicken kicked up with a strong assortment of spices. Serve over rice or pasta. I also like to use this as a filling for wraps...
I love chicken satay, that spicy meat on a stick, marinated and grilled and served with a peanut sauce. I tried to get that same effect with a chicken...
I've developed this recipe to be used with my bamboo steamer. Use your favorite oriental sauce or try my favorite bottled sauce, Iron Chef's Orange- Ginger...
Ramen noodle and broth dish inspired by the Japanese classic using ingredients commonly available in American supermarkets. Quite involved, but it has...
Takeaways: the great British institution. We love them. In fact, all of us, on average, have 2 takeaways a week. I love them, too. They're delicious, but...
This is a great one-pot dish that's tasty and filling. Careful when measuring out the curry paste - depending on its spiciness, 1 teaspoon can be enough...
This is an easy, budget-friendly stir-fry meal. You can make the sauce in advance and refrigerate, which makes this even more suitable for a quick weeknight...
Cheap and easy alternative to take out. Our kid loves ramen noodles, so this is a great way to make him eat his veggies without him even realizing it!...
A wonderful aroma will fill your home when you make this chutney. An elegant addition to any curry, it is an indispensable side dish for Lentil Sambar....
This lamb shank is tender, juicy, and so flavorful. It is an authentic Persian recipe passed down from my father who was born in Tehran, Iran. It does...
An easy-to-make Filipino dessert made of cassava. Ingredients are available in most Asian or Filipino stores. My niece made this when I visited them in...
Yummy chicken breast, veggies, and almonds in a light savory sauce. YUM! Classic Canadian-Chinese dish. Reminds me of take-out from our favorite chinese...
The time we first wandered into the Ginza district of Tokyo, we found a 'hole-in-the-wall' restaurant with a lunch special of shabu shabu. Didn't know...
People throw out the term "melt-in-your-mouth" pretty casually, but these meatballs really are. Some people think the name comes from their large size,...
This is an authentic Korean beef rib recipe, not the Americanized version. This is super easy and a crowd pleaser. This is for 4 pounds of ribs. I find...
My mother-in-law is Indian and let me in on a secret: The vegetable balls from IKEA® make for a great and ridiculously easy vegetarian kofta curry. This...
This is a popular dessert among Filipinos. It can be served with different presentations. Ordinarily, when served in the Philippines, it will contain small...
Tandoori chicken gets its name from the clay oven it is traditionally cooked in, the tandoor. The chicken is marinated in yogurt and an incredibly complex...
I've always considered myself something of a fried chicken expert. I've pretty much had every single style known to man and this Korean fried chicken is...
A "Hong Kong Style" Chinese recipe! Crispy batter-fried shrimp tossed in a creamy sauce and topped with sugar coated walnuts. One of my family's favorite...
These are the most delicious lamb chops you'll ever taste! When I make it, this savory lamb dish has impressed EVERYONE and has had people coming back...
Adobo is a simple and hearty Filipino dish. In this version, chicken is marinated in vinegar and soy sauce, then slowly cooked with garlic and spices....
This is my all-time favorite curry to make; it's pungent flavor wins me over every time. You can use beef if you like, but it often takes a little longer...
I hope to try this on smoked pork ribs. This spice blend offers delightful possibilities. Steep it in tea. Sprinkle it on toast or oatmeal. Fold it into...
Most store bought Worcestershire sauces have anchovies in them. Here is a recipe from The Garden of Vegan by Tanya Barnard and Sarah Kramer that has been...
Make authentic Thai noodles at home with this chicken pad Thai recipe. The sauce is made from scratch using Thai favorites like fish sauce, tamarind paste,...
Delicious Malaysian coconut rice, served with anchovy hot chile sauce, fried anchovies, fried peanut, sliced cucumber or tomato and hard-boiled egg. If...
You'll never buy teriyaki sauce again. You can substitute chicken thighs in this rib recipe for an easier prep since they won't need to be cut up. Serve...
Masala means a spicy mixture. Vegetable masala is a mixture of vegetables like potatoes, carrots, peas and beans cooked with onions & tomatoes adding spices...
This recipe comes from Simple Cooking Thai & Chinese. Uses ingredients that should be easily obtained here in the states. Note: At the suggestion of reviewers...