I made this tonight and it was delicious! My 6 year old ate his brussels sprouts-HAPPILY!. I served it with Hungry Man pork tenderloin#162841 and mashed...
This recipe goes well with just about every middle eastern dish. Its very flavorful, one of my favorites. I make this at home, but I am not good at keeping...
This recipe was given my daughter by her mother-in-law, Merilyn. It is a low cost soup...but hardy and very nutrious as well as really tasty. Note from...
This is fantastic and easy. It is an elegant veggie, but if you are doing WW, this is 1-point for 1-cup according to the Weight Watchers Cookbook. Yum!...
This is always a huge hit, whenever/wherever I serve this appetizer. Too many people have asked me for the recipe, so I decided to post it and share with...
There are intriguing flavor combinations of this Thai cuisine dish. The mild zucchini is a perfect partner for the stronger flavors in this dish. Compliments...
This has been a traditional Thanksgiving side dish at our house. I looked forward to this casserole almost as much as the turkey, if not more. Even ones...
A delicious quiche-like tart with chanterelles that has a slightly firmer texture due to the chevre, and an earthy nuttiness that comes from the ground...
After a shopping trip to Costco I had an over abundance of English cucumbers and red bell peppers so I came up with this recipe. I love things that are...
From inspiredtaste.com: "We love this light couscous salad - it doubles as a side, can be the main event or works well topped with grilled chicken or Adam's...
This is something I do quite often when tomatoes are cheap. It goes great with grilled fish, or grilled meat. Not bad on toast either. These measurements...
I usually make my glazed carrots with fresh baby carrots, butter, and honey. However, tonight I needed a quick side to go with my Easy One Pot Lentils...
Sometimes you just get a real craving for a DELICIOUS Greek salad. This one satisfies our palate every time. I serve it with Recipe#229467 & Recipe#229464,...
"Dolma" in Turkish translates to any vegetable stuffed with a rice-based mixture. Lots of spices are used for the stuffing. For me, the most important...
Here's another grear vegetarian Greek dish. Soda water in the batter keeps these thin slices of fried zucchini light and crispy. A simple recipe, serve...
I've always enjoyed steamed or boiled asparagus - Until I discovered roasted asparagus. I got it from food newtork. It was intended to be a side dish but...
Deliciously warm and comforting, but so simple! And it is low fat too. This is an adptation of a recipe I saw on the Fat Free Vegan Kitchen website. The...
This quite possibly might become your favorite asparagus dish! I added in about 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder with the cayenne pepper when making the cream...
We eat this almost every week. Ommit the cheese for a lighter sauce. I use a blender to make the breadcrumbs. Serve with Lemon and Dill Potatoes - Recipe...
This is a very simple dish that my family really enjoys. When I was a little girl my mother always made it for us to enjoy. Any vegetable can be used to...
This recipe produces fabulous sweet & sour carrots. The molasses lends a real depth and complexity of flavour. Recipe is from Bon Appétit Magazine (December...
That's Dom DeLuise's Mamma. The recipe originated in Spinosa, Italy. If you want a carnivorous variation, you can some spareribs and/or Italian sausages...
No clean up, 20 minutes, easy and healthy. Nothing more to say. This also will work with green beans, brussels sprouts, zucchini and summer squash, and...