This recipe is from a dear friend, and it has become one of my weekly comfort meals in the winter. It is absolutely delicious, and you can tweak it all...
This bok choy recipe is terrific to serve as a side vegetable dish - or add tofu or your choice of chicken, pork, or seafood for a delicious mixed stir...
Some dishes are best when they are as plain and simple as possible. Whole fish fried in butter and served with lemon and parsley potatoes: That is simple...
I got this from a "Real Simple" magazine long ago. From then on, I always cook asparagus like this. It is "real simple" and asparagus are kept crispy and...
This sauce is ready in no time, and flavors are great! Pour over your favorite pasta! From the kitchen of Mary Ann Esposito, cooking show chef for Ciao...
This is the famous Indian Chef, Sanjeev Kapoor's no-fat chutney that he recommends to dab on your sandwiches to make them look more appetising! Enjoy these...
These are the best green beans I've ever tasted! The shallots were especially good in the beans, and I substituted walnuts for hazelnuts. I found this...
What to drink: Pour brut or rosé Champagne throughout the meal, or pair the soup with a light red wine (try an Oregon Pinot Noir) and the Oven Roasted...
This is a very light, tasty salad, and not sweet like many cucumber salads. It's very refreshing with a tangy bite from the green onions. I used dried...
This recipe is a combination of 3 different recipes, that come the closest to the kimchi I prefer. The favorite kimchi vegetable is Chinese (or Napa) cabbage....
OMG! I made these grilled tilapia fish tacos on the outside grill and topped them with adobo sauce, cabbage, avocado, tomatoes, cilantro & onion and roasted...
This butter sauce is delicious over fresh English Peas. If you can't find fresh, frozen will do...cooked according to package directions;the ones in the...
This hearty Finnish side dish is similar to mashed potatoes, but with the special, earthy flavor of yellow turnips (lanttu). Lanttulaatikko is a favorite...
This side dish makes four servings; it's perfect to keep in your fridge to add to stir-fries or pasta dishes. Use as many different mushrooms as you can...