I love veal and this sounds good. Saving recipe here. From a Church cookbook called Favorite Recipes by St. Mary's Ladies Guild (Carpatho-Russian Orthodox)...
If you love food with flavor then this one is for you, you can also make this same recipe using short ribs in place of the veal shanks! This takes about...
This is such a tasty, but easy, way to prepare veal. A long-standing favourite, and lovely in summer with braised red cabbage, potato salad, and a tossed...
This stuffed eggplant recipe is phenomenal and very versatile. Use the meat "stuffing" to fill mushrooms and bake for delicious party appetizers. It makes...
Not sure why they're called "Swedish Meatball" - they just taste like great, juicy burgers! We just made these in a skillet on med-high (5 mins per side)...
From Williams-Sonoma. Posting for safekeeping-I have not tried but this sounds good. Timing does NOT include preparing the charcoal grill nor marinating...
This is simply fabulous and the best I have ever made & eaten, YUM! It's got to be the panko and peanut oil. My children love it as does everyone we have...
If you like veal, mushrooms and goats cheese, you will love this recipe all the flavours that come through are wonderful and the goats cheese on top really...
This recipe came from an Aussie magazine some years back. I hope you try it and enjoy it along with the Broccoli & Cauliflower Salad (also in my recipes)...
If you like veal chops that will wake up your taste buds with the great flavors of a lot of your favorite herbs, then you will love this recipe! I cook...
Another recipe adapted from "The Glorious Foods of Greece," I changed it a bit to reduce the fat content (so to allow for all the butter). Prep time includes...
I have been making meatloaf for years and I follow my granmother's recipe. She taught me how to make this recipe with meat and without meat since she was...
This recipe calls for only 7 minutes of cooking time and recommends that the heart be served medium rare - I like mine just the slightest shade of pink...
This is a recipe I remember my mother making for dinner parties when I was very young. I loved to sneak in and sample a few when she wasn't looking. Mom...