These pillowy biscuits are layered with blueberry jam and chewy candied ginger, but feel free to use any other combination of preserves and nuts or dried...
These easy to make, customizable bars are packed with enough virtuous things that you might almost forget they're dessert. Pack them in lunches, take them...
A pistachio custard filling makes for an enchanting moss-green spiral inside this cardamom sponge cake Yule log. Shards of melted chocolate dusted with...
This is the easiest chocolate cake in the world-perhaps in the universe! You don't even need eggs, butter, or milk, and you probably have all the ingredients...
Using a vanilla bean makes this creamy Instant Pot pudding extra special and aromatic. I like this poured over sliced strawberries and raspberries for...
The attraction of mile-high desserts is undeniable. Unfortunately, the taste doesn't always pay off. Sometimes there is an imbalance in the layering (too...