Gefilte fish is one of those recipes where touch and taste are essential ingredients. A basic recipe goes this way:"You put in this and add that." If you...
This recipe can be prepared in 45 minutes or less. Some people favor sauteed collard greens boiled until they are meltingly tender, while others prefer...
The verdict in the test kitchen was unanimous: When we order crab cakes in restaurants, these meaty beauties are what we want-not the bready hockey pucks...
Red lentils, faster-cooking than other varieties of the legume, are the foundation of this earthy, rustic soup. Light but satisfying, it's a wonderful...
Of course, I don't believe this dish is Spanish at all, but rather Cajun from Louisiana. I made it quite often in the 1960s. Then - as now - in home cooking,...
Braising pork shoulder produces a fall-apart tender roast. And when milk is the braising liquid, what results is a sauce that is reminiscent of flavorfully...
This delicious variation on a side-dish classic is made with red potatoes and flavored with a full head of roasted garlic. This recipe is an accompaniment...
Chinese cooks don't use a lot of raw vegetables, but instead prefer to stir-fry or braise them. There are a few exceptions, however, and in Hong Kong cooks...
The rooftop of chef Rick Bayless's Chicago restaurant Frontera Grill is dedicated to growing tomatoes, hot peppers and herbs for fresh salsas. Multicolored...
Oltranti and his family prepare this dish with rabbit, but it's equally appealing with chicken. Roasted with super-savory pancetta and olives, the garlicky...