Jarred roasted red peppers, canned white beans, and a bunch of pasta water make this pasta sauce flavorful, thick, creamy, and totally vegan. But the crunchy...
Piri-piri chicken is a spicy dish with roots in both Africa and Portugal. The dish was created in Angola and Mozambique when Portuguese settlers arrived...
There is no fancy skill involved in making these crispy fries, but there is a trick. The potatoes are fried twice. The first time cooks them through and...
When I was growing up, my mother served a lot of canned vegetables, but the one thing she always made from scratch was acorn squash, which she roasted...
Packaged bow-tie noodles,large and small, quickly replaced the flat homemade egg noodles in the American version of kasha varnishkes. The trick to a good...
A Thanksgiving classic with a nineties twist. There are marshmallows and brown sugar to keep the youngsters happy, and "big kids" will like the addition...
The goat cheese, when tossed with the hot pasta, melts and becomes a creamy sauce. We've learned that it's a good idea to taste your goat cheese before...
Coeur à la crème (cream heart) is a classic French dessert traditionally served with strawberries. This is adapted from a recipe in "Valentine Dinner...
Sour cream isn't just a gimmick. Used in place of the more typical cream or buttermilk, it adds a rich, tangy flavor, and its acidity helps make the biscuits...
Smothered pork chops may be an iconic soul food specialty, but this recipe proves you can smother anything. All it really means is coating slow-cooked...
My dad grew up in the Bronx of the 1920s and was very fond of the yeasty crumb cakes found in many German-Jewish bakeries there. He calls the moist, tender...
Doris Jacobson of Anaheim, California, writes: "I host many family gatherings, and I always get requests for my lemon bars and my caponata appetizer. They're...
This stress-free dish is based on one of my favorite flavor pairings-golden roast chicken and tarragon. The chicken is simply seared on the cooktop, then...
Talk about flower power. As every gardener knows, late summer brings a bumper crop of zucchini and, better yet, of zucchini blossoms-known in Italy as...