This hearty Wild Mushroom Soup is the ultimate comfort soup. This recipe calls for both dried wild mushrooms soaked in sherry, and cremini mushrooms for...
This easy Indian dal is ready in under an hour, and makes a satisfying vegetarian lunch or dinner. Serve with rice or naan. This soup also keeps well and...
A low-carb broccoli and cheese soup recipe that is delicious and comforting -- perfect for an easy dinner any night this fall. Bonus: the leftover soup...
You'll love this easy homemade vegetable soup, prepared Mediterranean-style with loads of vegetables, including zucchini, carrots, and mushrooms, and fresh...
This chicken noodle soup is an easy dinner that will take you from the stove to the table quickly. Precooked chicken such as rotisserie chicken makes this...
A healthy and hearty vegetarian soup everyone will love! It's packed with nutritious ingredients and all those Mexican flavors will leave you craving more....
In this recipe video, I show you how to make a homemade chicken soup...from scratch! I make chicken soup, just about every time we have a roast chicken,...
This New England Seafood Chowder recipe creates a versatile and tasty soup, that is perfect for warming up on a cold winter day. Use whatever seafood you...
This Vegan Lentil Soup recipe is so incredibly easy to make using very basic pantry staple ingredients! It is a 1 pot meal and 8 easy to find ingredients....
Canned Salmon Chowder is the easiest canned salmon soup recipe. It's so simple with just canned salmon, butter, milk, salt and pepper. Grab a can of...
With less than 150 calories per serving, this healthy warming vegetarian cabbage soup is packed with flavor, texture, and plenty of vegetables cooked in...
This Crock Pot Italian Wedding Soup is an easy prep, gluten-free & dairy-free take on the classic everyone knows and loves! A delicious, cozy soup packed...