Pasta e Fagioli is classic Italian comfort food. It is insanely delicious, and it's perfect on a chilly evening. This soup is hearty and filling, but not...
This Mushroom Brie Soup is decadent, rich, earthy, creamy, and so easy to make. Browned butter makes the flavor extra deep for this one pot, vegetarian...
An easy potato-leek soup that takes no shortcuts to deliver the best flavor and texture possible. A touch of buttermilk and potatoes pressed through a...
A delicious soup with plenty of vibrant flavors that are brought together in one pot. Once you try this recipe, you'll never go back to the packaged soups...
Creamy Chicken Broccoli Soup is a hearty soup that's perfect when you want something warm and comforting. Bite sized pieces of broccoli and shredded chicken...
This Lasagna Soup is one of my all time favorites! You get all the flavors of a delicious hearty lasagna in a comforting soup form! It's loaded with beef,...
This sausage and sweet potato soup recipe is hearty, warming, and simple to make! Flavorful sausage and melt-in-your-mouth sweet potatoes will be a hit...
Obviously this can be a deer, pronghorn, bison, beef, sheep, etc. stew. You could even use pork if you wanted to. Also note that there are a lot of optional...
This chicken pozole rojo recipe is classic Mexican cuisine, with lots of hominy, chunky chicken, and a flavorful red sauce made with ancho and guajillo...
A family favorite, this Slow Cooker Broccoli Cheese Potato Soup is so comforting and creamy even without the heavy cream! Throw it in the crockpot for...
This thick and creamy broccoli, cheese and potato soup is lick-the-bowl good! Pure comfort in a bowl, a one-pot meal your whole family will love and ready...
Mexican Pozole or Pozole Rojo is a flavorful soup with tender pork and hearty hominy in a rich and bold spiced broth. This Red Pozole recipe is easy to...
Spicy hot, sweet, salty, sour Thai Noodle Soup with fresh raw nutrient-rich ingredients. Gorgeous one-pot quick and easy meal idea which you can adjust...
This flavorful and hearty vegetarian chili boasts rich, hearty flavors with the perfect blend of spices, veggies, tomatoes, and beans. Your family will...
Sharing with you creamy and garlicky - roasted garlic and tomatoes soup, a bowl full of comfort, warmth, memories, and love....Tomato Soups always bring...
This red pepper soup recipe has a deep flavor and silky texture from roasted red peppers. Potatoes give it heft and body. Purée until creamy, add a splash...
My Spiced Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Soup is a golden bowl of goodness that is sure to delight! It is healthy, tasty, easy to prepare and is guaranteed to...
Caldo Gallego is the traditional soup of Galicia in the coastal northwest of Spain. Turnip greens, pork, beans and potatoes make a hearty, healthy meal...
A filling soup packed with the flavors of Italian sausage, zucchini, tomatoes, spinach and topped with Parmesan cheese. A hearty one pot meal that is freezer...
Slow Cooker Mushroom Barley Soup is bursting with tender mushrooms, carrots, celery and onions complimented with bits of barley in a perfectly seasoned...
An old-timey and wonderfully comforting soup that is not made of turtles, but rather ground beef. Layered flavors and a full-bodied texture make for a...