Rich, buttery soup with pieces of artichoke heart and oyster. If you love oysters or artichokes you can add half-again as much of these ingredients. You...
This light and spicy tomato crab bisque is one of my all-time favorite emergency recipes. It's easy to shop for, requires very little effort, and only...
This is a decadent lobster bisque that is surprisingly easy to prepare. Your guests will be impressed and feel pampered. I serve this with salad and hot,...
This recipe was given to me by the dear woman who taught me how to cook. It is so tasty and always a crowd favorite! I can't tell you how many people ask...
This is a decadent lobster bisque that is surprisingly easy to prepare. Your guests will be impressed and feel pampered. I serve this with salad and hot,...
This is another recipe from my mother-in-law. She likes to serve this during Lent. It is shrimp patties fried and smothered in sauce and nopales. You may...
This light and spicy tomato crab bisque is one of my all-time favorite emergency recipes. It's easy to shop for, requires very little effort, and only...
A full flavored soup that combines crab and shrimp beautifully! This addition of white wine gives it a lovely mellow flavor. Garnish with chopped chives...
Although this is not a typical traditional holiday recipe, it has become a Christmas day buffet favorite in our family. Several years ago, we decided to...
Shrimp, red beans (or kidney), tomatoes with chiles, and cream of mushroom soup make this soup an easy-to-make crowd pleaser that looks and tastes like...
This delicious and creamy recipe is quick to make at the last minute. It's out of the ordinary, but definitely an eye opener. Try it, you won't be disappointed!...
This delicious and creamy recipe is quick to make at the last minute. It's out of the ordinary, but definitely an eye opener. Try it, you won't be disappointed!...
The best ever clam chowder you have ever tasted, and it is easy and fast. You will pass this recipe along to your family and friends. If you like more...
Mmm, good! Oakies version of clam chowder. Don't forget the saltines! Add one more jar of clam juice, for those of you who like it clammy -- I know that's...
A sweet and fragrant broth-based soup, seasoned with fresh thyme and finished with a touch of milk. Shrimp and corn add sweetness, and the broth can be...
A full flavored soup that combines crab and shrimp beautifully! This addition of white wine gives it a lovely mellow flavor. Garnish with chopped chives...