An easy recipe for a quick dinner for weeknights with salmon, bell peppers, parsley, and lemon that is ready in about 30 minutes. I usually serve it with...
Moist and delicious halibut is baked in a creamy topping with green onions and dill. This is the perfect recipe for dinner parties. Everybody loves this...
Mild flavored, flaky fish fillets. Any number of different types of fish will work, and you can increase the recipe easily. Try halibut, cod, salmon, red...
I live in Alaska and this grilled salmon in foil recipe goes over great at our barbeques. It's so simple to make and with a nice side of steamed asparagus...
An old recipe that's especially good for family get-togethers. It's good, it's fun, and clean-up is easy. It's best done outside around a picnic table....
This super simple apricot-glazed salmon recipe uses only 3 ingredients! The apricot flavor is sweet with a little kick from the spicy mustard. It's easy...
Something I created myself when trying to figure out what to do with some salmon steaks, spinach, chives, and thyme ended up being very delicious. Serve...
Mushrooms and halibut have a natural affinity for each other, and both are wonderful with the lemon-parsley butter sauce. So, whether you fear cooking...
A simple, tasty, and relatively light pasta dish that can be whipped up in no time for a delicious weeknight meal or even for company. Goes great with...
I looked for a recipe for glazed salmon and didn't find one that used the ingredients I had on hand. So I threw together what I had and came up with this...
This is the most fun you can have with your seafood. It started with the idea of a fun get-together clam bake then took off with a life of its own. This...
Fresh salmon needs very little preparation. These salmon fillets are cooked in good, sweet butter and minced garlic, and then sprinkled with a little lemon...
I made these quick and easy halibut fillets for my husband's birthday as halibut is his favorite fish. It's really important that the halibut is seared...
Lovely low-ingredient seafood meal! Serve with your choice of grain if needed. Also would be good with other veggies. This recipe is easy to double for...
Lobster tail with a New England-style cracker and crabmeat stuffing. Serve with fresh lemon wedges and homemade dinner rolls for an exquisite but surprisingly...
This is always a hit. The best part is how fast you can whip it up! You could just buy roasted tomatoes in a jar, but I think roasting them yourself gives...
This is a delicious and quick lunch or dinner meal. Serve over rice, pasta, polenta, or eat it right off your plate. So good you'll want to lick the plate...
I had a craving for fresh fish and dill, so I played around and came up with this. Its been rated one of my greatest hits! Great with rice or potatoes...
A twist on shrimp scampi that I threw together for my hungry husband one day, made with things I had in the cupboard. It went over so well that it is a...
These simple and few ingredients make for quick but elegant entertaining. The final broiling caramelizes the sugar to give the salmon its attractive, mildly...