A quick but very tasty sauce to add to already prepared frozen meatballs. This recipe makes a generous amount of sauce for a 1/2 package (20 oz) of meatballs....
These thin, crispy spice cookies are a Christmas tradition in Sweden. They're usually cut into heart, flower or star shapes. Dusting your cookie cutters...
Aebleskiver - a Danish dessert, like doughnut holes, but sweeter and much better traditionally served with glogg during the Advent. Cooked in a cast iron...
This recipe comes straight from my mother-in-law in Denmark. It's a little labor-intensive, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be addicted! Serve...
There are many versions of Swedish meatballs, and this is the way we like ours. They're juicy, tender, and flavorful in a creamy and rich sauce. We enjoy...
Our family's traditional Christmas recipe, frequently doubled and kept warm in a crock pot. Worth the effort, and the meatballs are even better the next...
These cookies are my family's favorite cookie. They are simple to make, unique and pretty. A wonderful recipe to make for a cookie exchange. Take your...
Yowza! These Swedish Meatballs are fabulous! Very easy to make with such simple ingredients, and they're just delicious. This recipe has been in my family...
If you like a mildly flavorful and crispy wafer-like cookie, this is it! Other flavorings can be added in addition to or instead of vanilla. You can even...
I found this recipe that my mother had written on the back of an envelope. She must have made it a bunch, because there were splatters all over the envelope!...
I won 1st place in an apple bake-off contest with this recipe. It is the easiest and best apple pie I have ever tasted. It has no crust, believe me, it...
According to Julia, she first ate Gravlax in the Grand Hotel in Oslo and starting making it then. This recipe easily doubles and will keep (after the cure)...
Both of my parents are Norwegian. Growing up, my mom used to make these meatballs. Later in life, my dad took over the meal prep, and he became a great...
This is a classic Swedish recipe, beloved by every Swede. It is one of the first things children learn to make, and it's enjoyed greatly by all ages. The...
Delicious meatballs covered in a fantastic gravy flavored with sherry. This is the dinner most requested by my children on special occasions. Serve with...
This recipe is a stable in the Nordic kitchen and can be eaten with any cuts of meat or chicken. UPDATE- I should mention that Danes serve the cucumbers...
This is a Swedish recipe for Kladdkaka (Sticky Chocolate Cake), a rich, and gooey chocolate cake. It should serve 8 but at our house it often serves only...
This is in response to Carol's request for what she called 'Futimonbuckles' but in Norwegian - Fattigmann Bakkels would sound the way she spelled it. This...
This is an authentic Swedish Almond Spritz recipe handed down through the family from Swedish Ancestors. It's the only recipe I've ever know that includes...
Family recipe straight from Sweden. This is a favorite dish any time that I make it and is often requested by my foodie friends. Serve with mashed potatoes....
This is a dish my sister makes for special occasions. It is not too sweet and it's very rich and creamy. If you like a sweeter dish, double the sugar....
Keep the heat out of the kitchen this summer! These pepper grilled scallops taste fantastic! Toss them on to a bed of salad greens and veggies and you...
This traditional Swedish spice cake is perfect to have on hand for the Christmas holiday season. This is an incredibly easy recipe and perfect for your...
Fresh and flavorful Swedish meatballs cook in a luxurious creamy sauce in a slow cooker. Garnish Swedish meatballs with fresh dill, and serve with mashed...
This recipe is a healthier take on a classic Swedish meatballs dish without sacrificing the elegance or taste. No one will ever know from tasting this...
This recipe comes from my husbands aunt. We love to fish and some times I get tired of fried fish, so I tried this recipe I found in one of my many cook...
This is a recipe that my husband's nana has made for years. They are the easiest cookies I have ever made. The ingredients were harder to find than it...
Ah, the holidays: that wonderful time of the year marked by an ubiquity of iconic blue tins filled with those delicate, buttery Danish shortbread cookies....
This recipe has been passed down in my family and has its roots in Norway. My grandma would always make this pie for Thanksgiving, and now my dad has taken...