A very common, but delicious, rice dish from southern India. This doesn't take long to make, just make sure that you have all of your ingredients measured...
I whipped up this recipe with some leftovers and some ingredients I had on hand. This recipe is nice because it's simple and can be modified very easily...
Oh this is sooo good. I really hope that you will enjoy this tasty dish as much as we all do. Quick, easy to make with delicious results...try it...see...
This is an easy recipe for a traditional Indonisian style festive rice. The key flavours are lemongrass, coconut & pandan. This recipe is from 'Recipes...
I also like to add in a couple tablespoons of fresh garlic in with the onion as well as the addition of garlic salt, and also some cayenne pepper for heat,...
This is a good basic recipe for a side dish for Chinese BBQ pork. Add or subtract any vegetables of your choice. As a main course, try adding cooked shrimp,...
Posted for ZWT 6. Koshari is very similar to chili. It is made of lentils, rice and tomato sauce and cab be spicy. Koshari is a fast food meal in the Middle...
This low-fat, oil-free vegan risotto is a super creamy and comforting Italian meal! Just using one pan for everything, you cannot mess up that dish. Decorate...
The following method is our favorite way to cook long-grain rice-we love the consistency it yields. We learned the technique from some of our Latino and...
My all-time favorite comfort food recipe. I don't really measure anything when I cook this, which means you really can't make a mistake. However, I have...
My Husband tends to have these wonderful ideas of the things that his Mother used to cook for him. He describes as best he can , and I create as best I...
I had coconut rice at The Rum Jungle in Las Vegas a few years ago and I've been trying to duplicate it ever since. I still haven't gotten it quite like...
Adapted from "Simply Classic," by the Seattle Junior League. The Snoqualmie refers to many aspects in the area - it's a town, a river, beautiful waterfalls,...
Tamago is a thin sweetened egg omelet. Here it is added to sushi with spring onions and mayo for a tasty treat. Please note portion sizes are a guess as...
Want to become 1,000 percent more efficient in the kitchen? Take a cue from restaurant chefs and set up all of your mise en place-that would be your ingredients,...
This may also be baked in the oven instead of the stove top --- although some people would say that soaking the rice is not needed it is just something...
My MIL makes great stuffed peppers and mine always seemed bland. She told me her trick was to use all ketchup instead of tomato sauce. So I just modified...
Okay, I was looking up on Zaar the other day for a stuffed pepper recipe, and I just could not find anything that I was looking for. So I decided to create...
This recipe from Minute Rice uses just three main ingredients, takes ten minutes to prepare, and can be on the table in just over a half-hour. One plus...
Being a military family we get the pleasure of meeting people from all over the world. My girlfriend who lives in Guam gave me this recipe. So that I don't...