Easy, delicious and healthy Chicken Crock Pot with Pace Picante Sauce recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Chicken Crock Pot with Pace...
This is a big family favorite! Use fat free cheese to really bring the fat down. I was tempted to use corn tortillas, but they're not quite the same.
Much as I love to have a pan bubbling away on the stove, I often feel that the most stressfree way to feed people is by taking the oven route. When I'm...
From the Ministry of Food Book
Tasty, low on calories. I make 6 portions at a time and freeze them to control portion size.
This is a wonderful dish for company or a special occasion. Worth every minute and every calorie! The Normandy region of France, which is North of Paris...
Easy, delicious and healthy Jasmine Rice Stuffed Peppers recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Jasmine Rice Stuffed Peppers.
This is a family favorite around here so I am glad it is reasonable in the cal department with out any changes though I should warn you one cup just isn't...
I don't add alot when it comes to my meals, mainly because I never know what to add to make it taste better! But I thought these tasted pretty good, so...
Who says you can't have your favorite comfort food. You just have to learn to use the low fat ingredients and you can enjoy just about anything!!This is...
This is a Giada recipe (from Everyday Pasta), slightly tweaked to lower fat and calories.
Easy, delicious and healthy Panko Ranch Chicken recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Panko Ranch Chicken.
Eggplant parmesan casserole with ground turkey
Easy, delicious and healthy Florentine Wild Rice Stuffing in Roasted Chicken recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Florentine Wild Rice...
Easy, delicious and healthy Balsamic Chicken with Spinach, Mushrooms, and Tomatoes recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Balsamic Chicken...
A twist on the classic BLT--substitute lettuce with thyme!
Easy Low Carb Chicken Dish The Whole Family Will Love!
This simple recipe will keep you coming back for more. Served with Mashed Cauliflower Potatoes and corn, the lower fat and caloric intake will give you...
Amazing lettuce wraps taste just like P.F. Changs!!!! (nutritional facts do not include rice wine vinegar or hot mustard powder)
Easy, delicious and healthy Chicken Enchiladas- La Victoria Green Ench. Sauce recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Chicken Enchiladas-...
Easy, delicious and healthy Grilled Chicken and Angel Hair Pasta Pomodoro recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Grilled Chicken and Angel...
Easy, delicious and healthy Peanut Noodles with Shredded Chicken and Vegetables recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Peanut Noodles...
Low Fat Loaded Baked Potato
Easy, delicious and healthy Wolfgang Puck Chicken Paprika recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Wolfgang Puck Chicken Paprika.
This is a recipe from Pampered Chef that the whole family enjoys! I modified the original recipe slightly by using Neufchatel cheese instead of cream cheese...
This recipe can be made with either BLSL Chicken or Turkey breast. Delicious and simple!
This is a great chicken recipe that gives the taste of fried chicken without the grease or oil.
A healthy take on the Greek eggplant casserole.
Fresh spinach, chicken, and a combination of cheesesmake this pasta dish comforting enough for the last daysof winter yet fresh enough for the first days...
This a flavorful "casserole" without the noodles and rice found in traditional casseroles. Sorry no photo with this one... family ate it too quick!
Delicious stir fry made from Turkey cutlets and fresh vegetables
Easy, delicious and healthy Chicken & Leeks in white wine recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Chicken & Leeks in white wine.
Easy to make and quick to the table! Use part of the frozen 4# bag of Birds Eye Oriental Stir Fry Vegetables, which have broccoli, sugar snap peas, carrots,...
I go to a monthly scrapbooking party and this is a recipe that one of the other ladies shared with us.
A new low fat way to enjoy your favorite pasta dish
Enchiladas Suizas are a chicken and cheese enchilada served with a green sauce. This is my conversion into a casserole dish that my kid wolfed down. Its...
Quick one-pot dinner. I am subbing in leftover turkey from Thanksgiving in place of 2 cups rotisserie chicken.
New England style BBQ chicken with a hint of maple that's wicked fingah lickin' good!
My Kids love it too!
This healthy, colorful dish will have you out of the kitchen in no time.
This chicken dish absolutely blew my families minds. It is creamy, and the fresh lemon really makes it zesty. This chicken has a wonderful gourmet quality...
Prep Time: 10 min Total Time: 25 min
Delicious way to add variety to chicken.
Easy chicken recipe with lots of taste and few ingredients
Quick and Easy. I found this great recipe on Kellogg's website.
Easy, delicious and healthy Turkey Taco Soup recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Turkey Taco Soup.
Easy, delicious and healthy Trader Joe's White Chicken Chili recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Trader Joe's White Chicken Chili.