At Loaves and Fishes we have huge glass jars filled with a variety of very large cookies. Since we opened our doors, we have had to refill the peanut cookie...
This is a delicious cold salad--perfect for barbeques and picnics. Someone gave this recipe to me years ago and it has been hit! It is very easy to make...
I made the recipe after a last minute request to bring a dish for a family reunion. The weather was hot, but the dish was a hit because it was different!...
Author: Katey in GB
Chow Mein Hotdish, also known as Minnesota Hotdish or Chow Mein Casserole is classic midwestern casserole comfort! This ground beef and rice casserole...
Home turf: New Mexico Local flavor: Southwestern-style chili is all about the chiles (with an "e"), as in this pillar of regional cooking, chile verde....
Using nonfat yogurt and low-fat mayonnaise makes this creamy dip a great addition to any veggie plate. This recipe is adapted from a cooking websites email...